EC Council's CEH DVD's to Apple MP4 Video?
Newbie here!
So I inquired with EC Council about getting iLearn without the Ipad as I already have one. They informed me that it the course was $1500.00 It would cost me another $199 to get the physical dvd's and then burn them myself with RipTide or freeware? Has anyone successfully done this and what's the quality of the output like? Am i going to have a bunch of 45 second flv's ? Just preparing
So I inquired with EC Council about getting iLearn without the Ipad as I already have one. They informed me that it the course was $1500.00 It would cost me another $199 to get the physical dvd's and then burn them myself with RipTide or freeware? Has anyone successfully done this and what's the quality of the output like? Am i going to have a bunch of 45 second flv's ? Just preparing