
Weird job posting

IT Support Contractor (Initial $2500 per month)

That has to be one of the weirdest I've seen in awhile. So basically you get a 1 month contract of where they want you to work non stop - for only $2500. If you "win" among the others who got the chance to play for the month, you get to do it for 3 more months. Seems like scam.
Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013
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