Have you ever brought innovation to a company?

N2ITN2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
Have you ever brought innovation to a company? Maybe it was server related or business or process. Anything is fair game. Keep it as high level or as granular as you would like.

My hope is to bang around ideas that can help out the community. I'll start, it's currently WIP.

I work for a small sized service/staff augmenting company. A lot of times we have to build our own tools sets when the customer doesn't have a tool we need or isn't willing to allow us access to that tool. So currently our activity/billing process is extremely manually. This means I have to go through the technicians logs everyday and audit them to make sure they are in synch with the service contract.

Currently myself and another guy from another team are in the process of building an Access database and front end with the hopes of migrating the data to a MS SQL RDMBS. The front end will be hosted on SharePoint/Access forms and the backend will be locked down except to a few individuals. The hopes of this is to automate the billing and to reduce duplicates and consolidate technicians work efforts.

Anyway just wanted to start it off. I am very interested in what others have to say.


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