ICND 2 - Booked

advanex1advanex1 Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
September 30th is the date, hopefully I don't disappoint.

Going over some of the longer videos by chris bryant today in regards to spanning tree, pvst, port fast, etc.. Should be fun and interesting. Just have to stay focused and get this knocked out.

Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else on their upcoming tests.
Currently Reading: CISM: All-in-One
New Blog: https://jpinit.com/blog


  • stallstall Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Good luck mate. Mines also booked on the 30th! Will reschedule if I don't feel ready closer to the day.
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I set mine up for the 29th, hopefully we get a three in a row pass! Good luck!
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  • ShanmanShanman Member Posts: 223
    Good luck everybody. I have mine tentatively scheduled for the 22nd...
  • descender421descender421 Member Posts: 67 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Good luck guys!

    How much labbing have you guys done? I've read through both Lammle's and Odom's books twice, and watched CBT Nuggets; understand the material. But am only now about to start labbing myself.

    Seems a lot more daunting than ICND1, which was expected.
  • advanex1advanex1 Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    No labbing yet, watching the train signal videos, I do labbing as things come up that I need to practice. Typically the last week before the test I lab consistently. I'm more of a know the information type of person so that I can determine what the wrong answer is and decipher which one the right answer is - if I don't know it already.

    You're right, ICND2 so far does seem daunting, but it's just building blocks on the basics of ICND1. Going through and hearing about the STP process in depth, trunking, ROAS...

    Just have to study and make sure the material is understood, that makes labbing much easier. These videos were a lot longer than I was expecting though. One section is 3 hours long (3 videos of almost an hour each) and this is just the switching portion :)
    Currently Reading: CISM: All-in-One
    New Blog: https://jpinit.com/blog
  • CheesyBreadCheesyBread Member Posts: 99 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Mine is today icon_surprised.gif

    advanex you from phoenix? I live in Tempe.
  • advanex1advanex1 Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Right, I currently reside in Phoenix, but I'm in Iraq right now. I'm scrambling to study for the ICND2 portion now - our test dates had to be moved up due to the testing facility shutting down. Guess I won't get my CCNA Security done before I redeploy.
    Currently Reading: CISM: All-in-One
    New Blog: https://jpinit.com/blog
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