
How should i enter networking industry

mirror51mirror51 Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
Initially i was the programmer and web developer and i have 3 years of experience in system admin (RHCE) and programming.
I had to leave the job as my visa finished and i had to return to my home country. i prepared fos cisco and finished

ccna , ccnp RS and ccna security.

As i am going back to AUSTRALIA. I know i can easily get programming job because of experience . but i want to enter cisco networking side.

How should i approach this. Is there any way to relate my old experience with cisco.

How much are the chances for company to Hire me.

Please help me


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    pham0329pham0329 Member Posts: 556
    Why don't you just start out by getting a programming job, and see if you could move into a networking role from there? If not, at least you'll have a job while you're looking.
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    TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Im not sure what help we can give you that you need and isn't already out there on the forum to be honest. You have three years commercial experience as a sys admin plus RHCE,CCNP qualifcations. That's not bad going.

    You have qualifications but no hard core networking experience. Being a programmer you should find it easy to pick up what is required to execute a lot of networking tasks once you get your foot in the door. Get your CV put together correctly and start applying for the kind of opportunities you are looking for. Start researching which companies in Australia may have the break you need and approach them.
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    mirror51mirror51 Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
    thanks guys ,

    I will look into it. i was also thinking like first get a job in hand then look for networking job so that i make sure i have some money too.
    Initially i will try for 3-4 weeks if get one then i will strat applying programming jobs as well
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