CISA exam info
Dear all,
I am IT guy with some experience and I am gonna take CISA this year 10th Dec. My question is that does knowledge of non-technical fields such as Finance, Accounts etc is crucial to pass this exam? If yes how much they will cover in the exam.
I am IT guy with some experience and I am gonna take CISA this year 10th Dec. My question is that does knowledge of non-technical fields such as Finance, Accounts etc is crucial to pass this exam? If yes how much they will cover in the exam.
darkladdie Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
It is not crucial to passing the exam but it will help you in understanding how auditing principles applies to IT.
Two of the five domains cover auditing concepts. As long you can get a grasp of security concepts and auditing principles you should do fine. After all you have more than two months to prepare at this point.