Degree Path

wmdudewmdude Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi All,

I love the information here! I have a decision to make on the path that I take. I am currently working on a Bachelor's program in I.T. Management (61 credits needed) that does not have much technical skills as part of the program. I don't feel that this will help me in trying to obtain and work my way up in the I.T. job market. I am trying to decide on leaving this program and finishing my Associate degree in Computer Information Systems (15 credits needed), moving into a better fit Bachelor program, and/or working on certifications. After the Associate's I would work and complete my bachelor's degree.

My question is:
  • Which path would be better to gain entry into an I.T. career?
Thank you for reading my long post. I appreciate the help and look forward to reading your replies...


  • wmdudewmdude Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Any help is appreciated! Thank you...
  • XeeNXeeN Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
    The title of your degree would serve you well enough, from what I've learned. Since you aren't learning many technical skills you could always switch to something like WGU's BS:IT Network Design & Management. You'd leave that with plenty of technical knowledge gained. The difference in the degree titles however would not do much unless you were talking with someone hiring who knew the difference or asked you specific things about each.
  • wmdudewmdude Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    One of the things that is pushing me away from the program is that since it does not have much technical skills incorporated, it will not adequately prepare me for graduate study.
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