Just wanted to let people know that Help Desk is challenging

Just wanted to let people know that for those of you who do help desk, it does get challenging sometimes. Right now I have been employed with this company for 5 months almost and have been on help desk for a month. Let me tell you, we take care of 5-6 companies answering their help desk calls. Right now I am being trained on 3 out of the 6 we have, and its difficult to keep up. I have finally started getting on the phones and answering phone calls after almost a month's worth of watching people and listening in on phone conversations. I am getting the hang of it, but am no where near perfect. I must say its challenging. I give mad propts to help desk people now.


  • hackman2007hackman2007 Member Posts: 185
    Good to hear you are enjoying your job.

    Everything is challenging at times. Just keep focused!
  • ssgmun5000ssgmun5000 Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The most challenging part is dealing with the customers time after time. Did help desk for several years and I don't think I can be paid enough to go back to it. It is a great way to get into IT though. Good luck.
  • AnonymouseAnonymouse Member Posts: 509 ■■■■□□□□□□
    ssgmun5000 wrote: »
    The most challenging part is dealing with the customers time after time. Did help desk for several years and I don't think I can be paid enough to go back to it. It is a great way to get into IT though. Good luck.

    +1 on this. I can deal with the technical aspect but it's typical for me to get calls from people who think the helpdesk will really help with anything.

    "Where do I order office supplies? What? How can you not know? Isn't your job to help me?"

    "I've worked here for 2 to 10 years and I forgot how to do this daily task I do with this application. What? You don't know how to do my job? Shouldn't you be able to give me in depth training for each and every application I use? Don't you fix computers?"

    "Mens bathroom on the 4th floor is out of TP. You're the helpdesk right? You should be able to get the janitor out here."

    "Helpdesk? Can you help me out by giving me the phone number of this department?"
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    When I was on the helpdesk, we had about 75 different customers that we support. On nights I don't field those calls, but every now and again I get them. It sucks, but you do learn a lot. I've learned that sales tends to over sale our service a bit though. For everyday applications we are great (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OS issues), but then people call in about their company specific apps and like to be offended when you have to call the apps tech support. We once had to sales people tell a customer that we would train her on their law application. So a month later she emails in and says she's ready to be trained on the law app that the sales people said we could help with. I stared at the screen for about 10 minutes and then asked who was certified or even knew what that app was? The reply was crickets....
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  • ArmymanisArmymanis Member Posts: 304
    Anonymouse wrote: »
    +1 on this. I can deal with the technical aspect but it's typical for me to get calls from people who think the helpdesk will really help with anything.

    "Where do I order office supplies? What? How can you not know? Isn't your job to help me?"

    "I've worked here for 2 to 10 years and I forgot how to do this daily task I do with this application. What? You don't know how to do my job? Shouldn't you be able to give me in depth training for each and every application I use? Don't you fix computers?"

    "Mens bathroom on the 4th floor is out of TP. You're the helpdesk right? You should be able to get the janitor out here."

    "Helpdesk? Can you help me out by giving me the phone number of this department?"

    Funny thing is, for one of the companies we support. We do support calls from users saying I need to order this supply or have the janitor come out there. We then say sure, if we can just get all your information, we can get you a ticket and someone will take care of it. I know its amazing, but I work in a Help Desk Environment, which includes supporting lots of hospital type phone calls. To be personally honest, I may end up getting certified in Citrix, just because we deal with that application a lot.
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