Software Engineer or Network Engineer? - Career Path

FirecellFirecell Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
What is your opinion on becoming a software engineer or network engineer? What is the expected job growth and placement for 2012 and 2013?

How difficult is the skill set for each?

If you were starting over from scratch, what job path would you decide on in the IT industry?

I have limited IT knowledge and currently at entry level. I need guidance in planning my education and certification. I really do not have enough exposure in the IT field to perform effective decision-making on my career path.

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Thanks icon_cheers.gif


  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    Well it says you're enrolled in a CompSci program so that tells me your leaning towards Software Engineer. Job growth for 2012-2013 ahouls nor bw your concern for an SE or NE job if you're at the entry level. You won't get there from here that quick. You need to decide what you want to do... do you want to design and implement large enterprise networks or do you want to write software? That simple. One is not like the other.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • cxzar20cxzar20 Member Posts: 168
    Software Engineering for sure...if I didn't hate the work so much. I remember going to career fairs and EVERYONE seemed to be looking for software engineers, but few were looking for network engineers. I was lucky in that I was able to start in networking right away but it seems like barrier to entry is more difficult. It all depends on your skill set and interest.

    My MS was in Computer Science as well so that doesn't automatically lead you down the software engineering path. Find what you're interested in and make sure you can go to work every day, be competent, and tolerate the work.
  • FirecellFirecell Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the info. I have additional questions about programming and software engineers.

    Is the skill set for software engineering so difficult, that many people choose the network side of IT over software?

    How hard is it to master the programming language? Is there a large chance for failure? Do I need to be proficient in Discrete Mathematics, Calculus and Linear Algebra to be a successful software engineer?

    Is network engineering the safe choice?
  • FirecellFirecell Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    What is your opinion on the difficulty of programming and software engineering?
  • TackleTackle Member Posts: 534
    Firecell wrote: »
    What is your opinion on the difficulty of programming and software engineering?

    For some reason, programming logic always make my brain run circles.
  • DigitalZeroOneDigitalZeroOne Member Posts: 234 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Firecell wrote: »
    Thanks for the info. I have additional questions about programming and software engineers.

    Is the skill set for software engineering so difficult, that many people choose the network side of IT over software?

    How hard is it to master the programming language? Is there a large chance for failure? Do I need to be proficient in Discrete Mathematics, Calculus and Linear Algebra to be a successful software engineer?

    Is network engineering the safe choice?

    I don't think it's a matter of how difficult one is over the other, it really depends on which one is more enjoyable. Years back I wanted to become a programmer, I took a VB6 class and I just wasn't interested. I understood what I was taught, but the motivation for me wasn't there. I did not want to sit at my desk all day and code, debug and code some more.

    I went the sys admin route and loved it, it was more interesting to me. Now years later, Powershell comes along and I love what I can do with Powershell as it relates to PowerCLI and VMware, so all the array talk, if elseif, Select Case (Switch in Powershell)...that all relates in how I use powershell.

    Now I want to create massive scripts because Powershell interests me, not necessarily because I want to be a programmer (or scripter), it's because I came across something that interests me. My suggestion is to get online and find videos on programming, look at books, find out what interests you and go from there.
  • FirecellFirecell Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Right now, I am leaning towards programming and software engineering. I am attempting to imagine writing code and debugging, but with no experience actually writing code, it is hard to plan for the position.

    How much advanced math is involved with programming and software engineering?

    I have recently found 2011 and 2012 job articles online with software engineering at the top for best jobs. I cannot find networking or network engineers on any future jobs list. Furthermore, seems like Cloud computing is the future of IT. What is the best strategy to become lined up with Cloud computing positions?
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I always find articles saying that the math really shouldn't be part of Computer Science, but that is neither here nor there. You're looking at probably having to complete Calc I to IV, Discrete Math, and a course in Statistics. Software Engineering is a great field and if I could go back I would have majored in Software Engineering. I will say Computer Science tends to focus more on becoming an academic or a researcher, where Software Engineering is more geared towards problem solving/practical application and staying within business constraints. A lot of the schools in my area that do not have a Software Engineering major, offer a concentration in Software Engineering for Computer Science. As far as the cloud, you probably won't find a lot of courses geared towards it, but you could probably pick up a few books on the concepts of Software as a Service and bring yourself up to speed. If your school offers concentrations I would look at parallel computing and high availability along with a focus in databases. Good luck!
    Intro to Discrete Math
    Programming Languages
    Work stuff
  • FirecellFirecell Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 44 ■■□□□□□□□□
    the_Grinch wrote: »

    You're looking at probably having to complete Calc I to IV, Discrete Math, and a course in Statistics.

    Listed below are the required math courses:

    College Algebra
    Intro to Statistics
    Discrete Mathematics
    Calculus I
    Calculus II
    Linear Algebra

    Note: I have noticed math skills involved in the very first course, Computer Science Fundamentals.

    Additional Required Courses:

    Computer Science Fundamentals
    Control Structures (C++ Programming)
    Data Structures
    Assembly Language
    Advanced Programming and Algorithms
    Computation Theory
    Principles of Programming Languages
    Ethics of Information Technology Professional
    Operating Systems
    Modern Software Engineering
    Object-Oriented Programming using Java
    Computer Organization and Architecture
    Data Networks
    Senior Capstone

  • MrBrianMrBrian Member Posts: 520
    I have been immersed into Networking since I enlisted into the Air Force with that job type. I found it very interesting at first, and the deeper I go in my studies, it's keeping me on my toes. I'm at the point where I don't mind studying and reading about it anymore. There are parts of it I really enjoy. Learning the way a protocol works and how they talk to each other is pretty cool to me. You're kind of like a construction worker of technology.. you design and allow for tcp/ip traffic to get around the world to where it needs to go. Also, there are several branches you can put your focus into.. You can specialize in routing and switching, security, design, voice, etc. Anyways, that's just me. Get yourself studying on several different topics, be it networking or software engineering, and see what intrigues you the most.
    Currently reading: Internet Routing Architectures by Halabi
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