Masters in data mining/data science to get into it?

nhprnhpr Member Posts: 165
I've been learning about machine learning and data mining and thought this might be fun to do on a full time basis, so I've been exploring the possibility of getting into it. I was also thinking of doing a masters program eventually -- mostly to be able to tick off that box on a job application. My question is, would it be worthwhile to get a masters specifically in data mining and spend ~$17k, or should I just go with another masters that's not in that specific facet of IT, pay ~$3k, and learn the specifics of data mining on my own? I guess more generally my question is, do masters degrees in fields tangentially related to the one you're seeking a job in help much?


  • DevilryDevilry Member Posts: 668
    I personally have found lots of 'off the beat specialty' IT degrees out there, some cheaper, some not. I think i'll stick with going general IT, I don't want to get something specific that will get my resume thrown to the side just because they are not clear.

    My jobs I have seen that ask for bs/ms degrees usually say "in computer science/information technology or related field''.
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I think for a field such as data mining/machine learning, they'd look for a Masters in Computer Science and a concentration in that area. I think you can find a lot of programs with a concentration in that area, which could probably save you some money. It would be advantageous to get a slightly more general Masters so that in the case you get tired of the field, you can jump to another area. This is a field that I think will be jumping fairly soon, as knowledge management is really taking off.
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  • RobertKaucherRobertKaucher Member Posts: 4,299 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Spend the extra money and do it. You will not regret it.
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