
Just flashed Tiamat's BT5 to my Xoom :)

NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
The guys at Tiamat never cease to amaze me. I just flashed their Backtrack 5 with Aircrack to my Xoom. Unfortunately, the Xoom's wireless chipset doesn't support monitor mode but I do have a Hawking USB dongle that does, I'm just waiting for my OTG cable to arrive from Amazon so I can test it out.

For GUI dependent BT users, this isn't the release you're looking for. However, if you are comfortable using BT in CLI, you should give this a try (provided you have a Xoom of course...). The best part is, it installs over your existing ROM. Just open up a terminal app to access it.

It hasn't been installed too long so I don't know the full extent of how functional all the tools are but I will try to chime back in after I have spent some more time testing with it. If anyone else is currently running it, let us know how it's been working out for you.

MS: Information Security & Assurance
Start Date: December 2013
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