
Juniper Secure Appliance Home Lab

MorboMorbo Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello everyone

I am new to the forum and also new to Juniper so I am hoping to ask for a little advice. I am a junior network/firewall admin looking working towards becoming more advanced in various technologies and working towards some qualifications.

At work they have recently brought in a Juniper SA for SSL VPN. Presently, I have not yet had a chance have a play with the kit but I will need to work with it in the future. Therefore, I want to get more clued up on the product and have been looking around and have found they are quiet affordable via ebay for use in a home lab.

My question is in regards to the licensing. Is the 52 week lab license from juniper my only option. I have heard that you can put a 2 user license on devices but I cannot find any details on this.

Also, has anyone contacted Juniper in regards to getting a demo license? how open are they in giving these out if requested by an individual?

Thanks in advance
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