Going for SANS 546 and 550

docricedocrice Member Posts: 1,706 ■■■■■■■■■■
I seem to be a SANS junkie. My current job is keeping me extremely busy (in a good way) and I end up working weeknights, weekends, and holidays. That said, I need an occasional break and figured the Thanksgiving holiday weekend might be a nice timeout to ... what else ... take more security courses. Enter:
  • SANS 546: IPv6 Essentials
  • SANS 550: Information Reconnaissance: Offensive Competitive Intelligence
Sure, I can learn IPv6 by reading books and materials online, but I've always had good experiences through their OnDemand training. Note that these are one-day courses and have no certification attached to them. At this point, I'm tired of prepping for tests. I just want to sit back without that extra pressure hanging over my head.

I'm also thinking of taking the two-day SANS 580: Metasploit Kung Fu for Enterprise Pen Testing during Christmas break. I walked over to my CTO's desk the other day and he had a copy of "Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide" on his desk since he was researching something ... which kind of signals to me that I'd better step up my game and catch up to 2011.
Hopefully-useful stuff I've written: http://kimiushida.com/bitsandpieces/articles/


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