Passed 70-271 bring on 70-272
I passed the 70-271 exam with a score of 766. I plan on taking the 70-272 exam next week. I have a Master certification MOUS, to anyone who has taken the 70-272 exam did you think this will aid me in passing the exam? Any feedback is welcome.
Thanks in Advance
Bradd Edmondson
Technical Consultant
Thanks in Advance
Bradd Edmondson
Technical Consultant
Bradd Edmondson
Microsoft Certified Professional
Certified Computer Support Technician CompTIA A+ 2006, MCDST & MCSA 2003, Network + ,MOUS Master, Security +
Microsoft Certified Professional
Certified Computer Support Technician CompTIA A+ 2006, MCDST & MCSA 2003, Network + ,MOUS Master, Security +
Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
I think you'll do fine. I thought 272 was much easier than 271.i remain, he who remains to be.... -
jmc724 Member Posts: 415
Yes 272 was much easier than 271 but still remember that you are dealing with the OS - about 90% of the exam is based on it, the remaining 10% is based on IE and OE.What next? -
Chivalry1 Member Posts: 569
Congrats. Seeing that you are a MOS Master you should find 272 easier than 271. I actually took the 272 first because I felt more comfortable with the application portion of 272."The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and
content with your knowledge. " Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) -
princess4peace Member Posts: 286
I wish to agree with you that 271 might be more difficult to 272. I just took assessment of 271 on microsoft and i cant believe failing it (but not marginal)
However, pls accept my congratulation on your passing the exam. Also with your MOUS, i am optimistic that you will pass the 272.Knowledge is life -
allylaurente Member Posts: 131
Well Done.
I am taking 70-272 also after a week."...don't wait for miracles, be the miracle" - Bruce Almighty