
A good(free) guide for prepping for your interview.

NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
A guide good for prepping for your interview.

I have seen an upswing in questions in how to prepare for your interview. I have posted a free guide from a reputable source that has some good tips. It’s a good resource that I turn to when preparing for interviews.
Good luck on your job search.

the Ask a Manager guide to preparing for job interviews

From the Website:

the Ask a Manager guide to preparing for job interviews
A lot of you have told me that that you really struggle with preparing for job interviews and feeling confident going into interviews.
So check it out — I now have a free guide to help you.
How to Prepare for an Interview:
Boost Your Confidence, Impress Your Interviewer, and Get a Job

What you’ll get:
• My easy 4-step process for interview prep
• 14 tips to get your mind “in gear”
• 15 questions that I would ask you in an interview
• A supplemental video version of the guide, in case you’d rather watch than read

How to get this free guide

If you enter your email address into the sign-up box below, I’ll send you my free How to Prepare for an Interview guide and you can be interviewing better by tomorrow.

Note: Thanks to the existence of spammers in our world, there’s one more step you’ll need to take. Once you click “Sign me up,” you’ll need to check your email and confirm your address so that I’m allowed to email you. Then I’ll get the guide out to you immediately, and spammers will bother someone else.

If you sign up for the free guide, I’ll also send you the occasional email about other guides I’ve produced, but you can unsubscribe at any time (including immediately).
When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

--Alexander Graham Bell,
American inventor
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