How much technical they ask in Microsoft system adminbistrator job interview

I have done MCITP SA but that was 1.5 years ago. I don't have much experince in server 2008 but i have done small work on 2008 server AD as web developer cum sys admin. i want to know will they accept that as my window experince
cyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
There's no one definitive answer to this question as there are many variables involved. Some places don't have a technical person so they may not ask too many tech questions. Other places may ask obscure AD or Windows details. It all depends on the environment and what they are looking for. An entry level and a senior Windows sys admin are two completely different animals. Some companies believe a sys admin should know Windows, Exchange, OCS/Lync, Sharepoint, SQL, kind of a JOAT. On the other hand, some roles are very limited in scope. If you give us some verbiage from the job posting we may be able to make an educated guess. -
mirror51 Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
The various jobs whic i see have this line
Experience with Ad , Group Policy
Now In my previous work Ad was pre installed and set up as DNS and DHCP server , File server. Nothing much
I used to play with it and thats how i learned it and gave exams.
Now can in interview can i treat it as experience -
Akaricloud Member Posts: 938
Like others have said it really depends.
I had an interview a couple weeks ago for a System Administrator position and it had 0 technical questions. I'm not sure if they intended to ask any as I kind of led the interview in my own direction but it's still a good example. -
mirror51 Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
U r absolutely right. Happened with me as well. Luck also play imporatnt role. I got my previous 2 jobs without any technical questions. I think i should keep trying