
CCNA Timetable

kevin31kevin31 Member Posts: 154
Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone here as a CCNA timetable Spreadsheet they have created that they would like to share????

Was thinking putting one together but thought Id ask first. Be good to have a full 7 day 24/7 schedule to include everything?


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    RoguetadhgRoguetadhg Member Posts: 2,489 ■■■■■■■■□□
    you mean a spread sheet that says when we study?

    I don't have a set schedule. i just do it when I can.
    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
    TE Threads: How to study for the CCENT/CCNA, Introduction to Cisco Exams

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    pacotacopacotaco Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'm like Rouge, I study more when I have more time - such as days off.

    One thing I have been pretty good about is doing at least some sort of studying everyday. At a bare minimum, 30 minutes of just re-reading and re-commiting to memory some of my notes taken.
    Looking to transfer to WGU to begin Bachelors in IT
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    Alhaji265Alhaji265 Member Posts: 205 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I would say create an outline on each chapter and for each chapter break them down each topics for each chapter. After completing them, put a check mark right next to it.
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    RoguetadhgRoguetadhg Member Posts: 2,489 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Yeah, as great as it is to read other people's notes. I find it's better to actually make the notes. After all, you read it, you often times say it in my mind which gets juices flowin. Then, you can type it down as notes ... and that is where the magic happens:
    ...Because you put what you just learned in your own way. It makes sense best to you. Then you read over it, and "Bam!" It's like taking an arrow in the knee. You know it and you reinforced it by taking notes!

    It sounds cheesy, but it works. It is time consuming though

    Think of it this way we're learning the in's and out's about topics that, for the most part, connect everyone together. We're learning technology that's decades old, which is still implemented, and which at still used today. It's ever evolving, and it takes time to learn. But once you learn it, you got it.

    Just spending time with the material in some way or another is better than nothing. Man, sounds like i'm talking about a woman.

    Some may spend 14 hours a day reading. Labbing, Re-reading, note taking. That's wonderful. But unless you directly work with what you're studying for, it's going to be an uphill climb. Just keep digging your claws in!
    In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
    TE Threads: How to study for the CCENT/CCNA, Introduction to Cisco Exams

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    MrXpertMrXpert Member Posts: 586 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I second what Roguetadhg says. Note taking helps a lot. I found purely reading a book or watching a vid doesn't sink in properly for me.
    I'm an Xpert at nothing apart from remembering useless information that nobody else cares about.
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