ccna or network+

in Network+
Hey all,
whats the difference between network+ and ccna.
Which one should i go for ? please help me
whats the difference between network+ and ccna.
Which one should i go for ? please help me
dhenderson Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□
dukethacore wrote: »Hey all,
whats the difference between network+ and ccna.
Which one should i go for ? please help me
The CompTIA Network + is basically seen as an entry level cert. It took me a month to prepare for mine (although i had my A+ too). CCNA is a more advanced certification and it ultimately depends on what your circumstances are. Do you work in IT at the minute? How much experience do you have? My point is that if you do not and have little experience dont do the CCNA, 1 it will be harder and 2 it would be difficult to get into a job with a CCNA and no experience. I intend to look at CCNA after my MCITP. -
alxx Member Posts: 755
Whats your experience ?
If you have some previous networking experience, you should be okay with two exam CCNA path (ICND1 and ICND2), if no networking experience go for network+.Goals CCNA by dec 2013, CCNP by end of 2014 -
Darril Member Posts: 1,588
One of the primary differences is that Network+ is intended to be a vendor neutral certification. The knowledge you gain with this certification helps you understand networking in general that you can apply to most any network. In contrast, the CCNA is focused on Cisco products and requires knowledge on Cisco to pass.
Darril Gibson
N2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
I went with Network + and ended up being pleased. It filled in A LOT of knowledge gaps. It's one of the CompTIA certifications I really respect. -
charlesc09 Member Posts: 89 ■■□□□□□□□□
CompTIA certs is the way to go for people that have less working experience. Fills out all the knowledge gap you may have. Once you started entry level, you could start looking into the vendor more specific certs. -
4_lom Member Posts: 485
CompTIA certs are more generalized. The Cisco certs focus on networking, from a Cisco point of view. And with the Network+ (or any CompTIA cert), you will learn about what the technologies ARE. With the Cisco, Microsoft, Novell, etc certs, you will learn not only what they are, but also how to configure and troubleshoot them.Goals for 2018: MCSA: Cloud Platform, AWS Solutions Architect, MCSA : Server 2016, MCSE: Messaging -
SubnetZero Member Posts: 124
dukethacore wrote: »Hey all,
whats the difference between network+ and ccna.
Which one should i go for ? please help me
They shouldn't even be compared, however the biggest difference is that Network+ is vendor neutral...
That being said I think the Network+ is a good starting point before moving on to other certs like CCENT or CCNA, at least that's how I did it... HTH
While no trees were harmed in the transmission of this message, several electrons were severely inconvenienced :cool: -
someuser23 Member Posts: 103
SubnetZero wrote: »They shouldn't even be compared, however the biggest difference is that Network+ is vendor neutral...
That being said I think the Network+ is a good starting point before moving on to other certs like CCENT or CCNA, at least that's how I did it... HTH
I think you're absolutely right as well. Cisco without experience isn't good, N+ will probably open the door more.Ribs still touching.... -
zrockstar Member Posts: 378
Scott LaRock wrote: »I think you're absolutely right as well. Cisco without experience isn't good, N+ will probably open the door more.
I wouldn't go as far as saying CCNA without experience isn't good. CCNA is a very in depth study of networking as a whole, routing, protocols, network design, everything. Even companies that don't use Cisco equipment still value the CCNA because they know the depth of the cert. Even without working experience, it would be very hard to get a CCNA without hands on lab experience, and that is valuable in its own right too. -
maggsgsr1 Registered Users Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
Even the CCENT goes into much more depth.
Wouldn't hurt to have all 3! -
Mstavridis Member Posts: 107
I thought that having my network+ would greatly help me with my CCNA. I found out the hard way and how much more brutal the CCNA is then the network+. Don't be fooled into thinking they are similar. -
maggsgsr1 Registered Users Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
Exactly... Network+ is a good cert to have.. But I don't even see it being close in terms of depth and difficulty. -
Freeguy Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
The Network+ is a great way to prepare for the CCNA, and because it's non vendor specific, it creates a solid knowledge foundation... I just got the Network+ yesterday, took me two months of studying and passed it with no problems. I was also taking several other classes during those two months... if you can focus on it, it can take you less time than that.
The book by Todd Lammle and the Transcender practice tests gave me what I needed to know. -
Mstavridis Member Posts: 107
Like I was saying Network+ does not prepare you for the CCNA, I am not trying to say the network+ isn't worth anything, IMO it is worth alot. But if you think the knowledge will help you with CCNA you are wrong. Flip through a CCNA book (Cisco press has some great one) if you think I am wrong (If your only networking knowledge is what you learned from network+ studies).
I just want you guys to be 100% prepared for it, I failed the ICND1 because of this thought that network+ would actually help me prepare for the CCNA. -
Freeguy Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
Mstavridis wrote: »Like I was saying Network+ does not prepare you for the CCNA, I am not trying to say the network+ isn't worth anything, IMO it is worth alot. But if you think the knowledge will help you with CCNA you are wrong. Flip through a CCNA book (Cisco press has some great one) if you think I am wrong (If your only networking knowledge is what you learned from network+ studies).
I just want you guys to be 100% prepared for it, I failed the ICND1 because of this thought that network+ would actually help me prepare for the CCNA.
Oh yeah, I definitely wasn't trying to say that the two were comparable - but for someone who is just getting started in networking, Network+ is a good way to start.
But having your Network+ doesn't mean you can waltz into Cisco certs without issue, as they are much more in depth. I see it as a way to prepare for your preparations. -
kremit Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
I wouldn't get a CCENT unless I had a job, or company that I knew the internal IT, dealing with Cisco equipment. For me its a waste otherwise. At least with the Microsoft and CompTIA certs its universal reguardless of where you go.Pending:
640-816; ITIL 2011
Sharepoint, ITIL, CCNA -
maggsgsr1 Registered Users Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm out of work and just finished my CCENT. Getting ready to take ICND2 in the next couple weeks. It may not pay off right away.. But eventually it will in some form or another. Almost every decent IT department is using some product or another from Cisco. Almost every job posting as a Network Engineer is asking for a CCNA.. Not a Network+.. My last to 2 jobs used Cisco routers, switches, wireless, vpn client and IP phones. In addition, the CCNA curriculum goes wayy beyond the + in Networking.. Not just Cisco. It definitely is not useless to someone who wants a career in Networking. In or out of work.