Real world router troublehooting for you guys

vanquish23vanquish23 Member Posts: 224
I worked with a customer today on his remote router. He is in the middle east up in the mountains were during the winter it gets below frezzing and they had a blizzard over the weekend.

Anyway, I was helping him do a password recovery. I had already verifed his Hyper Terminal Com settings and cable. The labtop would send the break signal, but would not type in Rommon mode. After it warmed up later on during the day the router would type commands in Rommon. At first I thought the Rom image was bad, but everything was fine then.

So if you ever read the enviromental specs, know that when its below frezzing that is why. I know most people work with the equipment indoors in a controlled enviroment.
He who SYNs is of the devil, for the devil has SYN'ed and ACK'ed from the beginning. For this purpose, that the ACK might destroy the works of the devil.


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