Cost of summary route on ABR
Hi guys,
Just wanted to double-check. When routes that have different costs are summarized on an ABR the smallest cost of out of the routes being summarized is used as the summary route's metric, correct? ...and that cost/metric is included in the Type 3 LSA right?
Just wanted to double-check. When routes that have different costs are summarized on an ABR the smallest cost of out of the routes being summarized is used as the summary route's metric, correct? ...and that cost/metric is included in the Type 3 LSA right?
ROUTE Passed 1 May 2012
SWITCH Passed 25 September 2012
TSHOOT Passed 23 October 2012
Taking CCNA Security in April 2013 then studying for the CISSP
wave Member Posts: 342I think I've stumbled upon the answer to part of my question: OSPF Design Guide - Cisco Systems
"Note about summary address metric calculation: RFC 1583 called for calculating the metric for summary routes based on the minimum metric of the component paths available.
RFC 2178 (now obsoleted by RFC 2328 ) changed the specified method for calculating metrics for summary routes so the component of the summary with the maximum (or largest) cost would determine the cost of the summary.
Prior to IOS 12.0, Cisco was compliant with the then-current RFC 1583 . As of IOS 12.0, Cisco changed the behavior of OSPF to be compliant with the new standard, RFC 2328 . This situation created the possibility of sub-optimal routing if all of the ABRs in an area were not upgraded to the new code at the same time. In order to address this potential problem, a command has been added to the OSPF configuration of Cisco IOS that allows you to selectively disable compatibility with RFC 2328 . The new configuration command is under router ospf, and has the following syntax:"
[no] compatible rfc1583
The default setting is compatible with RFC 1583 . This command is available in the following versions of IOS:- 12.1(03)DC
- 12.1(03)DB
- 12.001(001.003) - 12.1 Mainline
- 12.1(01.03)T - 12.1 T-Train
- 12.000(010.004) - 12.0 Mainline
- 12.1(01.03)E - 12.1 E-Train
- 12.1(01.03)EC
- 12.0(10.05)W05(18.00.10)
- 12.0(10.05)SC
ROUTE Passed 1 May 2012
SWITCH Passed 25 September 2012
TSHOOT Passed 23 October 2012
Taking CCNA Security in April 2013 then studying for the CISSP - 12.1(03)DC
MrBrian Member Posts: 520Correct. The ABR will create a type 3 summary LSA. By default it will use the best metric of the component subnets.. and those more specific subnets will be suppressed.Currently reading: Internet Routing Architectures by Halabi