ntfs/share permissionts

hawazhawaz Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
hi all..
was reading about nfts and folder permissions on this site and i found these two conflicting .

1/When you combine NTFS and share permissions the most
restrictive counts.

2/ File permissions override folder permissions.

i thought any ntfs permission overrides share or folder permisssions but from the 1/ it appears whichever has the most restrictive applies

any clarification is welcome



  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    hawaz wrote:
    hi all..
    was reading about nfts and folder permissions on this site and i found these two conflicting .

    1/When you combine NTFS and share permissions the most
    restrictive counts.

    2/ File permissions override folder permissions.

    i thought any ntfs permission overrides share or folder permisssions but from the 1/ it appears whichever has the most restrictive applies

    any clarification is welcome


    In this case the most restrictive of the file permissions apply. So if you have a permission on the file for "READ" & folder permission for"FULL CONTROL" read is going to apply to the file because its more restrictive. The best way to set this up is with inhertiable permissions from the parent folder which is "applied to all child objects" so you don't have to manually check each file within the folder. This situation would work good for allowing a folder "full control" to a certain group but only one file within the folder you must have "read only" on like template that cannot be ruined.
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