What should I do?
I am on my way to achieving the 2000 MCSA certificate and was wondering which route i should do for my electives. I see that i could take the Sec+ as an elective or the A+ & NET+ for an elective. I could pass the A+ & Net+ without to much sudying, but that is 3 exams which costs a good bit. On the security side of things I don't have much experience and would require a ton of studying, but will be a lot easier on the wallet. Which route would you do? Thanks.
jmc724 Member Posts: 415I would do the security + as the elective in that way you will be specializing in security.
Thats the exam I will do to complete my mcse....then I will have the following: comptia security +, mcp, mcdst, mcsa + security, mcse + security...will be working towards ccna thereafterWhat next?