Going For Server+
I am beginning to study for Server+ and will likely take the exam in the next couple of months. I currently have A+, Network+ and Security+, all of which I achieved in 2010. I am taking Server+ because it is going to fill a third party requirement for another certification that I need to get for my job (for a technical EMR certification).
I don't have any Server+ books and don't plan on buying any. I currently have the Server+ Mega Guide from Prep Logic, and plan to utilize resources on this web site and from ProProfs and I believe that will be sufficient resource for me.
If anyone has any tips feel free to post up.
I don't have any Server+ books and don't plan on buying any. I currently have the Server+ Mega Guide from Prep Logic, and plan to utilize resources on this web site and from ProProfs and I believe that will be sufficient resource for me.
If anyone has any tips feel free to post up.
Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
Be a little cautious with ProProfs, although it is great reference and all, sometimes the info provided is a little dated. I also used them for my A+ and a bit for the Network+, I have the Exam Cram and the CompTIA Server+ cert book (big ugly spiralbound thing) that covers all the exam objectives.
I plan on taking it after I finish my current cert which I am sitting this Friday. Many people say the Server+ is 1/3rd A+, 1/3rd Net+ and a little bit of Sec+ aswell, and the rest server architecture. I believe someone actually sat it without really studying at all, he claimed to simple utilise his A+ and N+ knowledge and passed.
Many others say it is heavy on RAID, SCSI etc, but from what I can tell it does not look all that difficult. It naturally follows that after having completed the CompTIA tri-fector, the Server+ is next in line, and you might perhaps be well endowed with enough knowledge to just almost pass it without making too much extra effort. I would check the Server + resource page and forums on this site for more advice. SERVER+ ForumsThe Wings of Technology -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Be a little cautious with ProProfs, although it is great reference and all, sometimes the info provided is a little dated. I also used them for my A+ and a bit for the Network+, I have the Exam Cram and the CompTIA Server+ cert book (big ugly spiralbound thing) that covers all the exam objectives.
I plan on taking it after I finish my current cert which I am sitting this Friday. Many people say the Server+ is 1/3rd A+, 1/3rd Net+ and a little bit of Sec+ aswell, and the rest server architecture. I believe someone actually sat it without really studying at all, he claimed to simple utilise his A+ and N+ knowledge and passed.
Many others say it is heavy on RAID, SCSI etc, but from what I can tell it does not look all that difficult. It naturally follows that after having completed the CompTIA tri-fector, the Server+ is next in line, and you might perhaps be well endowed with enough knowledge to just almost pass it without making too much extra effort. I would check the Server + resource page and forums on this site for more advice. SERVER+ Forums
Thanks for the input.
I also forgot to mention that I have access to the US Army's e-Learn system (Skillport) since I am in the Army Reserve. They have TONS of resources for ALL certifications. They have videos for each section of the Server+, and they're basic e-learning videos that explain the material and show you different things. Adding this to the prep logic mega guide, and resources from this site lead me to believe that i'll pass just fineCertifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
Reckon you will do just fine Mate, please let me know how you go and what you think of the exam, it's next on my agenda, am looking at doing it in about 4 weeks or more.
Best of Luck:)The Wings of Technology -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Reckon you will do just fine Mate, please let me know how you go and what you think of the exam, it's next on my agenda, am looking at doing it in about 4 weeks or more.
Best of Luck:)
Thanks. I haven't yet decided on a date to take the exam. I'm going to glance over the material and take some practice tests to get an idea of where I am at with it. If I feel like i'm blazing through it and understanding it all quickly, I will likely take the exam within the next 6 weeks. I studied for Security+ for only a month or 2, and then Network+ for only a week or so and passed them just fine.
Ideally I will be looking to sit for the test the first week of May.Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Is anyone aware of any discount vouchers for the Server+? I searched and could not locate anything.
Also, i'm now thinking about picking up that Server+ spiral bound book, since it's only $40.32 from Amazon and I can get free 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime.
Is that book worth it do you think?
I do think I can Pass the test with what I have, but I would prefer to excel on the exam and not just pass it with a minimum score.Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
I have had a quick skim through that book (well spiral bound pages...if you like!) and it seems pretty basic in content, as cited previously, supplementing it with the Exam Cram and some additional online resources I believe should do it. You may end up taking it around the same time as myself, I'll keep you appriased of any useful info I find.The Wings of Technology -
Mike-Mike Member Posts: 1,860
Be a little cautious with ProProfs,
even though they are listed as a safe site on certguard, I inadvertently found a brain **** on there, which I reported to ProProfs and CertguardCurrently Working On
CWTS, then WireShark -
N2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
Thanks for the call out. Last thing I want to do is engage in a ****. I'd rather have no certs than dumped ones. That would take all the internal happy feelings away.
Seriously wants the point. I guess if you hated certs and your company said you have to have this certification by this date or you lose your job, you might want to ****. But other than that extreme and highly unlikely scenario why would you do it? -
whatthehell Member Posts: 920
Jonathan Lau has a pretty good Server+ book in Kindle format on Amazon. I used this, along with some notes found on this site, to pass a couple months ago.
Good luck!2017 Goals:
[ ] Security + [ ] 74-409 [ ] CEH
Future Goals:
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks for the call out. Last thing I want to do is engage in a ****. I'd rather have no certs than dumped ones. That would take all the internal happy feelings away.
Seriously wants the point. I guess if you hated certs and your company said you have to have this certification by this date or you lose your job, you might want to ****. But other than that extreme and highly unlikely scenario why would you do it?
Yeah I just purchased that book the other day since I read from a lot of people on here that it is a very good resource.
I just wish I could print it and be able to bring it with me to study with without having to look at it on my Laptop. (Dumb kindle books).Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
One week left until I sit for Server+! Ive been reading Lau's kindle book but i'm only like 1/4 way through. I started some flash cards as well. Hope I can study enough between now and then because I really want to bang this cert out.Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
You should be fine with Lau's book, I'd also recommend Exam Cram, steer clear of that spiral bond jaloppy from axzo press, it is not that useful. The prep questions in the Exam Cram book are not far from the actual exam experience, and they provide indepth answers for each question. I would have to say that if you are getting around 90% with these questions, you are ready to take the exam.
Lau's questions are a little thin and do not really simulate the exam experience, the Exam Cram book has a greater depth of questions. Also try the practise questions on the CompTIA website.
Hope this helps Mate:)The Wings of Technology -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
You should be fine with Lau's book, I'd also recommend Exam Cram, steer clear of that spiral bond jaloppy from axzo press, it is not that useful. The prep questions in the Exam Cram book are not far from the actual exam experience, and they provide indepth answers for each question. I would have to say that if you are getting around 90% with these questions, you are ready to take the exam.
Lau's questions are a little thin and do not really simulate the exam experience, the Exam Cram book has a greater depth of questions. Also try the practise questions on the CompTIA website.
Hope this helps Mate:)
Are you referring to the Exam Cram Server+ book for the SKO-002 exam? I have not seen an updated Exam Cram book for SKO-003. If so you're saying that even the outdated book is a good reference and practice for the current SKO-003 exam?Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
Are you referring to the Exam Cram Server+ book for the SKO-002 exam? I have not seen an updated Exam Cram book for SKO-003. If so you're saying that even the outdated book is a good reference and practice for the current SKO-003 exam?
Yes, I used it towards the end, I wish I used it from the beginning to be honest. Even though it is for the older exam, it well covers almost all topics with a good spread of coverage. It got me through along with Lau's kindle.The Wings of Technology -
shaX 07 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Yes, I used it towards the end, I wish I used it from the beginning to be honest. Even though it is for the older exam, it well covers almost all topics with a good spread of coverage. It got me through along with Lau's kindle.
Wow sweet, I am surprised that book is still useful since it was published 7 years ago! I just ordered the book on amazon and will use that when it arrives.
Do you recommend I actually read the entire book through, or should I just focus on the core areas that you mentioned are most relevant (Disaster recovery, SCSI, RAID, etc.) and do all of the practice questions multiple times?
I think i'm going to push back my exam by a week or two so i'll have more time to study. I'd rather delay it a little and pass it then try to do it now and fail.Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
Vendor Certs: Epic Client Systems Management, Epic Client Systems Management w/ Hyperspace Web
College: B.S. - Computer Information Systems -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
I'd perhaps mostly focus on the objectives, print them off and then highlight or tick them off one by one, this way you don't necessarily have to read the whole book, only what is relevant. Again between the Exam Cram and Lau's kindle, you should fine and I reckon your spot on with delaying it for another week or two using this other study resource. Definately do the practsie exams both in the Exam Cram book and on the CD, they were the biggest help in my experience.
If you have any probs with anything study wise, drop me a PM and I'll send you my notes if that helps.The Wings of Technology