hans-moleman.w3.org.http hammering our firewall

jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
I got a call from our network team that the above is hammering our firewall from a specific server (no IIS installed).

Did anyone come accross this one before ?!?

Trying to find out which process is actually posting this but even netstat doesn't show anything ..
My own knowledge base made public: http://open902.com :p


  • WafflesAndRootbeerWafflesAndRootbeer Member Posts: 555
    jibbajabba wrote: »
    I got a call from our network team that the above is hammering our firewall from a specific server (no IIS installed).

    Did anyone come accross this one before ?!?

    Trying to find out which process is actually posting this but even netstat doesn't show anything ..

    That's an MIT registered address for The W3C Consortium. They do web standards and such. Very odd but it pops up quite a lot on firewall/system activity checks from what I just checked online. Definitely very strange. I found one post referencing podcasts being downloaded from there so it's possible someone there is listening to something tech-related that is hosted there.
  • TheSolutionTheSolution Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    jibbajabba wrote: »
    I got a call from our network team that the above is hammering our firewall from a specific server (no IIS installed).

    Did anyone come accross this one before ?!?

    Trying to find out which process is actually posting this but even netstat doesn't show anything ..

    YES and STill today Unfornately. How I found out I cannot Discuss on Vbulletin/facebook/whatever else.. I need help from the technology area. You seen activity-True We are all looking at The exact same IP and New DNS. I tracted it from an older DNS that is on same IP a Piggyback Thats what I call it. 2 DNS on same IP for same reason and or company-- Room number. I did a dns lookup and found the IP. Some reason some ISPs are trying to Hide destination Ip's or make it unavailable to Registration. I used a Tracert on the IP and got this DNS then Googled it and the IP. Google is still sharing Information I also Found Info thru Fastly or Discus it is a a very Large and multiCountry ISP. What I found was not Podcasts.... and my trust in Lawyers- politicians and Anonymous any Political like that is 0. I tryd to conbtact Federal FBI and Local FBI via Facebook so Has 67k people all Ignored mostly. I dont Hide and Unfortuntely because of MIT my Information is not Secure and Comprimised and PUBLIC. It is bouncing alot on Comcast. About me, Devry would put me in a BA or MA the associates is a bit below. I have had a Online Game Server besides Hardware ie the Desktop failling because of Age. The server stayed up and online, and many sayd lag free. There were Users Hiding there Real IPs in many Countries. I did have luck securing My server against DDOS dos Intrusion Randsomeware--- Defended against China-Telecom 7 IPs in a IP range a new DDOS a Individual not the ISP or Country. That I belive had to do with Server files and Yes they Violate every part of US and Vbulletin Copyright Illegal, Descrimination. But I have NOTHING to do with them Directly....,and there links wont appear here. I did learn Nothing is Private icon_smile.gif.

    It is hard to stay out of Quote Politics. I asked the Question and still no answer to Rasmussen if I get a degree in Cybersecurity how is it helpful when the Law--politics is NOT enforced. I opologize My Grammar Sucks. Please Rember I found this when I did a Google search for the Above DNS. Your not the Only 1. I seen this easily. My email is linked. Need more Resources Legally. Coding Languages are a MUST XML has alot of Information and it is easily accessed,but i cant read all of it. I do see Computer IDs Corperation name my info, and MIT. Would be willing to go off of here- privately if possible and seee if people can Honestly get more information.... I dont use US Prioty Technology big word sorry I will shutup now
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