
Took the CISSP on March 31, 2012

SilverTalonCSSilverTalonCS Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Aside from waiting for the results, I am a tad worried about how I did.

I went through the exam with what I knew, and held off on the questions that I was undecided on, which only turned out to be ten, maybe fifteen answers. I went back, finished those questions, then reviewed everything again. I was still finished after three, maybe three and a half hours.

The proctor was like "are you SURE you don't want to review it again?" This had me questioning every answer I put down, and I spent time going through them all again. Still only an extra hour, but after that my brain was fried, and to the point that I was questioning everything.

I wanted to see how long others took to take the test. I was the first one done, and it makes me feel like I rushed through the entire thing. I'm not using the practice material as a measure, since I performed well on some and not so well on others.

Obviously still waiting on results.


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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,053 Admin
    For what it's worth, almost everyone goes through the same type of post-exam worries that you are experiencing now. As you've no doubt noticed, you can find pages and pages and pages of posting here from people with the same anxiety and concerns. Read through them all if it feels comforting to you, otherwise do something completely different to take your mind off it, because you can't change your answers now. If you still have any mental energy left, starting to study for your next certification is the recommended thing to do.

    Good luck and welcome to TE! :D
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    Syler2012Syler2012 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey I took exam on 31 March Sydney Australia. Still waiting on results. I must be one of the slowest and took about 5.30 hrs to complete. I am a slow reader anyway. I did not find exam either hard or easy and was getting around 70% for practice tests. During exam I did well on crypto questions and not so well on telecomm and networks. Rest not so bad. So fingers crossed
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    Syler2012Syler2012 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Also I found one say one in every 4th or 5th question category of either with two reasonable answers or I don't know. Even the worst case (all of them answered wrong) I should get 75%
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    94jedi94jedi Member Posts: 177
    Syler, I took the test on 3/25 in Sterling Va...still waiting on the results but I'm going to email (ISC)2 and try to get the results early. I still haven't filled out their survey. Going to do that first.

    Right after the test and in the weeks following (through today), I ran through the gammut of human emotions. Initially, I was upset because of how difficult the exam was, how "strangely" worded the questions were, and how poorly I thought the practice tests prepared me for the actual exam. After some thought, I've eased off a bit. I also thought that I changed too many answers to questions at the end of the exam when I went back to re-read. Then, for only a few days, I actually felt that I was confident and well prepared. For the most part though, I'm just anxious and worried that I didn't pass. Pretty much on par with how everyone feels afterwards.
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    dmoore44dmoore44 Member Posts: 646
    I took the exam on March 31st as well - but I took mine in Reston, VA. The waiting is killing me too - I think I might stroke out before the results are delivered.

    FWIW, I've seen that individuals who took the exam on March 17th are starting to get their results... so hopefully we only have two weeks left...

    Anyway, good luck!
    Graduated Carnegie Mellon University MSIT: Information Security & Assurance Currently Reading Books on TensorFlow
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    amcnowamcnow Member Posts: 215 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Trust me. Anyone that comes out of that exam thinking they aced it will surely fail it. Your anxiety is a good thing. icon_thumright.gif

    3 1/2 hours is a little fast, but that doesn't mean much. Some people are faster test takers than others. I took the exam with 3 of my classmates. They all took around 4 hours to complete the exam. I, however, finished with LITERALLY 5 minutes to spare. We all passed.

    It doesn't matter how much time was needed. The answers you gave will determine whether or not you passed.
    WGU - Master of Science, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
    Completed: JIT2, TFT2, VLT2, C701, C702, C706, C700, FXT2
    In Progress: C688
    Remaining: LQT2
    Aristotle wrote:
    For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.
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    Syler2012Syler2012 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    OK. I finally called them. A polite lady on the other side said it is not scored yet and process can take full 6 weeks. I am expecting results next Friday (Saturday morning Sydney time). Thank goodness future CBT candidates don't have the problem, otherwise I would have preferred if they simply told us in advance what exact date the results would be out.
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    SilverTalonCSSilverTalonCS Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I got my results. I didn't pass, I was 12 points off icon_sad.gif

    Will just need to take it again in a few months.
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    Syler2012Syler2012 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Oh I am sorry to hear that. Would recommend taking the exam as soon as you can. You'd probably not remember much after 3 or more months
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    Syler2012Syler2012 Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Got that all important email this morning. I PASSED the CISSP exam!
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    IristheangelIristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
    Congratulations! I just took my last Saturday and I'm playing the waiting game right now. I am nervous because of the questions I remember (about 5-6), I got about half of them wrong. They were simple questions that I over thought but I think I did fairly well on the complex questions.
    BS, MS, and CCIE #50931
    Blog: www.network-node.com
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