Passed 70-680 Exam!!

over9000over9000 Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
After failing, (490), I went back and used Poulton's Book,, and watched the whole Professor Messer's series (for visual labs and seeing some commands not mentioned in Poulton's book). Passed with an 820. I still think this was one of the hardest exams I've taken in my life. If you can't quote Poulton's book, (yes I mean quote it), you'll probably fail. The measureup questions were pretty close in difficulty to the test, but there were some weird questions on the exam. I'm just glad I passed. On to 70-685 and 70-640 after that. :D

However, I could honestly not be used to the difficulty of a Microsoft exam, so my post may be a little biased. I still think it was a very difficult test.


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