
Looking for Advice/Thoughts on where I stand

BjmachBjmach Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi all,

New to the forum but been lurking and reading for a few weeks now. I am in the Air Force, 18yrs+ MSgt. I am a 3D1X1 which is a Client Services type, mainly helpdesk, VoIP etc. Since I'm coming up on Air Force retirement in about 3 yrs Im trying to get all my ducks lined up. Currently I have my Associates Degree in Information Management, Bachelors Degree in Information Technology Systems and finishing up Masters Degree in Project Management. I have my A+, Network + and working on my CCNA, which will be completed in the next year or so. I was the Client Systems Admin to the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff of the Air Force for two years. I was in charge of a AF Comm Project Management office for two years but didn't have a PMP (still don't). I currently for the last two years and for the forseeable future am in charge of a 20 member Client Systems team. We service the base populace which is over 5,000 members on all aspects of IT. I also have a Top Secret SCI clearance.

My question is in your experience, how would I fare in the IT job market world. What would you see as a median salary range for my qualifications along with my management experience. My wife just retired from the military herself, so we are looking at either living back in my hometown of Boston, Ma or moving to San Antonio, TX. Would love some suggetions on how I could improve or maybe directions on where to better focus my education. All inputs are appreciated. Thanks!!


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    cknapp78cknapp78 Member Posts: 213 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I was a civilian government contractor for years (now in private sector) and was an independent consultant for years up until recently. I can honestly say that you should have little to no problem getting interviews. I would definitely suggest finishing up that CCNA and maybe look at sitting a security exam.

    One of the hardest IT jobs to fill is finding a solid IT guy with TS Sci clearance. Not many of them out there. That alone will get your foot in the door. I can't say much about the San Antonio area but with a resume like yours in the northeast, you are looking at a salary of at least 70-80K minimum. With the right company, even higher is possible. If you are willing to do some travel, the sky is the limit.

    Best wishes to you! Let me know if I can help in someway. Almost my entire family works for the military in IT in some form or fashion.
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    BjmachBjmach Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks cknapp78. Im deploying for a year this July, will give me some good solid time to focus on that CCNA, I believe I may even be able to test in the country I'm deploying too. Biggest befenfit is the CCNA won't come up on the 3 yr retesting date until after im out of the military, at least that is what I am aiming for. Would Security + be a step in the right direction after CCNA or would I just be wasting my time at that point?
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