help with regular expressions (linux)

headshotheadshot Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
plz help!

Create a regular expression to find HTML opening tags.
(eg <h2> or <p style=”margin:5px”> but not </p>)

Create a regular expression to find valid integer numbers (1234 or -45).

Create a regular expression to find dates in the valid ISO8601 format (2008-03-31).

Create a regular expression to match any three letter word that ends in “at” when in
occurs at the beginning of the line.

Create a regular expression to match the subject line in an email. Eg:
Subject: Regular Expressions are fun!

In vi do a substitution that will replace all occurrences of the word half with the word

In vi do a substitution that will replace any three letter word that starts with t and ends
with n and replace it with three copies of the middle letter. (eg replace tan with aaa,


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