Passed, disappointed

BaredorBaredor Member Posts: 99
Well I passed this today. In and out in about 30 mins, as most people do. I read all the posts saying it was easy for people who have done some site creation and all, so I thought this would be a good thing for me to do to get some knowledge on how to put together my little website that I'm trying to get going. Wrong on that account.

I got the sybex book for $20 off one of the Amazon affiliates and read it through. I think the real problem with this test is two-fold:

1. Too much overlap from Network+

2. So ridiculously broad in scope that you wind up not really learning anything

I still have no idea what I need to be doing to get my databases set up and running on my virtual hosting solution, no better knowledge of how to set up my messageboards or basically anything related to actually creating a functionaing website.

All I "learned" was best practices for testing and the like, which anyone with enough common sense to turn on a PC would know. icon_rolleyes.gif

Very disappointed. This could be a very informative and respected program.


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