A silly Exchange question!!!!

canaancanaan Member Posts: 46 ■■□□□□□□□□
We're hosting our Exchange 2003 server in-house, using a registered domain name

How can I find out what my SMTP and POP3 setting exactly are.?? I need them to set up remote clients using IMAP/POP3.

Thanks for any help.


  • Gabe7055Gabe7055 Member Posts: 158
    Go to System Manager. Go to the administrative group your server is in, expand your server tree, expand the protocols folders and than right click properties the virtual PoP3 server and the virtual SMTP server.

    Many of your SMTP settings will also be under your SMTP connector properties in your routing group.

    Hope that helps.
  • canaancanaan Member Posts: 46 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for replying
    I checked these settings, but they don't tell me what I should use for POP3 and SMTP when I'm setting remote clients??

  • jmc724jmc724 Member Posts: 415
    You need to find the mx records in your DNS server.

    eg mail.xyz.com

    that will be your pop and smtp settings for remote users.
    What next?
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