How to change administrator password in server 2003

ecummingsecummings Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi - can anyone tell me how to change the administrator accounts in Windows Server 2003 - ie the local administrator, domain administrator, etc. I know you can use netdom to reset computer accounts, DC computer accounts etc but do you use this to reset administrator accounts as well? Also can you be logged in using the administrator account to do this or do you have to log in with another account. I'm a bit confused by this - any help appreciated. Thanks.


  • jmc724jmc724 Member Posts: 415
    For stand-alone/member servers you can create a password reset disk.

    For Domain Controllers, its obvious you cant do it while logged on. Create another user, grant the user enterprise admin rights, logon as new user, reset local admin password, logoff.

    Re-login with new password.

    Done...if you dont do it this way then you may need a 3rd party tool or re-install.
    What next?
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