
Buying Voucher for Net +

budsterbudster Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey I'm new to the certification process and was wondering what the best way was to register for the Network + test. I have seen posts here in the forums about sites you can buy vouchers from but that seems too easy. I went to vue.com and it was $207 for the test alone and it was $145 from www.mic-inc.com including 500 test questions. I just do not want to get screwed by buying a voucher and then it not work. Thanks for your help.


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    WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Try www.gracetechsolutions.com people seems to be satisfied with that one...
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    AnimeFrusionSmoothieAnimeFrusionSmoothie Member Posts: 22 ■■■□□□□□□□
    hmm, i thought it CompTia was getting hard with vouchers...
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    JITJIT Member Posts: 32 ■■□□□□□□□□
    For both my A Core anc OS, I used the voucher from gracetechsolutions, as Webmaster informed. They are very professional, and I am totally satisfied with them. Recently, for Net +, I got voucher from Certless, which is otherway round.
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    AnimeFrusionSmoothieAnimeFrusionSmoothie Member Posts: 22 ■■■□□□□□□□
    alright -- then they were just harder for me to find then -- spent full price for N+
    PC Modding at it best -
    Xoxide.com, Directron.com, frozenpc.com, frozencpu.com
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    comptia did not stop the sale of vouchers, merely brought in a rule that they can only be sold with training materials.
    A+ Moderator
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    ZumpelZumpel Member Posts: 53 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Anyone ever dealt with (or knows someone who has) http://www.getcertified4less.com/
    They were the only voucher sales people that also deal outside the US & Canada. The site looks ok, but ok, that doesnt mean anything nowadays..

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    budsterbudster Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    So basically the voucher is for real????
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    FR29FR29 Member Posts: 73 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I bought my voucher through them(getcertified4less); So far I'm pretty impressed. I had a problem with a zip file I was supposed to get, and I e-mailed them about it, and within an hour (actually less) I had a replacement PDF file. No too shabby.
    She don't come, and I don't follow.
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    budsterbudster Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Anyone use this web site for vouchers? www.mic-inc.com
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    Zumpel wrote:
    Anyone ever dealt with (or knows someone who has) http://www.getcertified4less.com/
    They were the only voucher sales people that also deal outside the US & Canada. The site looks ok, but ok, that doesnt mean anything nowadays..

    i have and may use them for microsoft exams too. i did a "dummy run" and failed to empty my shopping basket (i was checking out to see if i a tax to pay - i hadn't) and ended up buying two vouchers. a quick email explaining the situation and i got it sorted
    A+ Moderator
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    ahung888ahung888 Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    i got my voucher numbers from mic-inc.com, bought A+ and Network+ from them, all good, and they will send you a practice questions CD, too. Just for your information
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    tiggertigger Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I used www.gracetechsolutions.com, real professional, very easy to use..
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    ZumpelZumpel Member Posts: 53 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Sounds good. I guess I'll go with them. Thanks for the info guys.

    .. and to think that I only got my head around the voucher thing AFTER I got my A+ cert.... waahhhhhhhhh
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    bellboybellboy Member Posts: 1,017
    same here zumpel. the problem for me was finding a voucher seller that sold vouchers valid in europe.
    A+ Moderator
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    ZumpelZumpel Member Posts: 53 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I actually danced too early... they couldnt bill my credit card due to MBNA not taking part in some verification thing of addresses, and PayPal seem to be the same (of course I jumped through all their registration hoops before I got the message)....

    ..seems like I'll pay the full price after all... can't believe how much time I wasted on trying to get the voucher ... aaaaarghhhh :)
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