
Old "Good" study book vs. New "Bad" stud

Miguelito75Miguelito75 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey everyone, 1st poster here.

I am thinking of taking the Security+ exam. I have my A+ and MCSE (2000), as well as CCNA. I want this cert to help pad my resume as well as count toward my MCSE:Security specialization.

Now, I have been looking at books to use. I've seen some older books (2002, 2003) and some newer books (2004).

The 2004 books are newer of course, and possible contain newer technology in them in regards to security. However, all of the newer books aren't as recommended as the older books.

Now the older books are from 2002 and 2003 (like the AllInOne book). That's 2 - 3 years old, a lot can change in IT in that time.
Are those older books still worth buying over the newer books in regards to passing the current Security+ TEST?

And if they're still worth passing today's exam, which Sec+ study good would you recommend...? All-In-One perhaps? I'd like a book that explains things in decent detail, and doesn't leave you guessing.

Many thanks for your help,



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    seuss_ssuesseuss_ssues Member Posts: 629
    to my knowledge the security+ test has never been revised, therefor the new books cover the same material that the old books do.

    hope that helps
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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You'll definately want to use multiple books for the Sec+ exam. The All-In-One is somewhat lacking for Sec+, compared to other certifications. One which is highly recommended here often and is considered a "must have" for everyone considering Sec+, is T-cat's book, which you can find here.

    Also check out this page, which includes books and links you should check out.

    Hope these help!
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think the second edition of these books will be more closely tailored to how the exam is written and how Comptia interprets the objectives. The first edition books were written to the objectives, but it appears that Comptia did not follow their own objectives so the exam tended to be a little off base and that made a few good authors look like they were a little off the mark.
    As stated - use multiple sources.
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    Miguelito75Miguelito75 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The ALPHAGEEK site is not responding at all, cannot be found. Is this a PDF only book?

    Was thinking of getting two books, one being the "EXAMCRAM" book to read after I read my main book. Maybe this Tcat book then the EXAMCRAM....

    Any other way to get this ALPHAGEEK's study guide?

    Thanks a bunch,

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    reason1000reason1000 Member Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
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    I would definately use a vast selection of books for this particular exam. I'm a big fan of TCAT's and that book helped me immensly. I did also purchase the Ms Press book also but found it not as interesting but it did cover the objectives very well.

    I am plodding along hopefully to MCSE Security specialist.

    Good luck

    If you don't know 24 then you don't know Jack!
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