
What do you guys do to keep yourself motivated?

qsubqsub Member Posts: 303
Hi, I'm currently studying for security+ through CBT Nuggets.
I'm just curious what you guys do to keep yourself motivated at studying. I've been slacking for the last week or so. My origional goal was to do the test by the end of this month.

But how things are going, I don't think that's going to happen. I'm only half way through the first CD of the CBT Nuggets.

Share your secrets!
World Cup 2006 - Zidane - Never Forget.


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    D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Money, self improvement and a better job that will give me much better job satisfaction than the helpdesk job I have..... That but most importantly supporting my family.....
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    NoodsNoods Member Posts: 168
    Im pretty pumped because there is a potential job at the end of my study.

    There are many technical positions in my company, and a lot of movement. If I get the right smarts, I could very well learn my way into a great position. Also, the things I learn show me more and more about how my companies network topology operates...its like unraveling a mystery ;)

    I think the challenge motivates me as well.

    My best suggestion to you would be to get an entry level position, then find another position you want. Talk to people to see how you could get experience for that postion, ask if they can show you what they do, and listen to them. That will create a light at the end of the tunnel for you, its much easier at that point, and much more rewarding.
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    qsubqsub Member Posts: 303
    I got an position as tech support for DLINK, I haven't started yet. They're revamping their training program. I'm also on summer. Returning to college in september. icon_sad.gif

    I think I'm just going to schedule my exam for end of next month and use that as motivation.
    World Cup 2006 - Zidane - Never Forget.
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    reloadedreloaded Member Posts: 235
    I guess, I end up forcing myself to start reading the material. The more I force myself to read, the more I actually want to. Then I just end up in the "get studying!" mindset. Kinda weird. icon_cool.gif

    As far as motivation for a better position go, I already get passed up from people who are less qualified than I am due to having friends in the other department. Doesn't really matter if you know your stuff or not, it's basically your connections that matter unfortunately. icon_confused.gif
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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I tend to study for exams that truly interest me, rather than studying for an exam simply because it may help me obtain a job in the future.
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    filkenjitsufilkenjitsu Member Posts: 564 ■■■■□□□□□□
    set an exam date, that will make you cram! at least for the week before the test. The thought of the money down the tube if you fail sucks
    Bachelors of Science in Telecommunications - Mt. Sierra College
    Masters of Networking and Communications Management, Focus in Wireless - Keller
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    mikey_bmikey_b Member Posts: 188
    I start working on the material, then once I've worked thru it once, I schedule for a few weeks away and cram like mad. And practise, practise, practise! Nothing says success more than working thru the labs over and over again.
    Mikey B.

    Current: A+, N+, CST, CNST, MCSA 2003
    WIP: MCSE 2003
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    jmc724jmc724 Member Posts: 415
    Motivation = better career job, self-esteem, helping inexperience peers, advising on forums, taking a little time away from fun and family, and PATIENCE, DEXTERITY, and DETERMINATION...
    What next?
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    PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    reloaded wrote:
    I guess, I end up forcing myself to start reading the material. The more I force myself to read, the more I actually want to. Then I just end up in the "get studying!" mindset. Kinda weird. icon_cool.gif

    Similar for myself. Even back in college, I could take a ton of credit hours and do well in all, but if I had a lighter load such as during the summer, it was a bear to concentrate.

    Perhaps set some time aside each day (just before dinner, just after, etc..) and make yourself only focus on this. You may find that you enjoy that time and wish to go a little longer....take care not to burn out :)
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
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    D-boyD-boy Member Posts: 595 ■■□□□□□□□□
    /usr wrote:
    I tend to study for exams that truly interest me

    I 2nd that!
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    Lotusgeek51Lotusgeek51 Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Get rid of your television. Not having a television to suck you in when home from work is a good start. Instead of sitting their zoning out, you can read and prepare for exams. It is a little rough for the first few weeks, but after that its a breeze. Also its not like you would be devoid of media, most people have a dvd drive, a bunch of mp3s, internet radio, and all the news you could possibly want on the compy.
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    ajs1976ajs1976 Member Posts: 1,945 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Before: More money, better job situation, joy of learning.

    Now: Employer or vendor deadline.

    2020 Goals: 0 of 2 courses complete, 0 of 2 exams complete
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    BaredorBaredor Member Posts: 99
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    qsubqsub Member Posts: 303
    Just grabbed my voucher today off getcertify4less. I'm going to schedule my exam for end of july. Right a couple hours away from finishing the first CBT nugget cd for security+.

    I plan do finsih both and read a 800page book. Hopefully I can have this done a week or two before my exam date :)
    World Cup 2006 - Zidane - Never Forget.
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    3000GT3000GT Member Posts: 212
    My Mitsubishi GTO pushes me to study, costs a bomb to run and look after hence i want to make some money in a job i enjoy doing to pay for the bills on it :D
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