Strange Turn of events..

tokhsstokhss Member Posts: 473
Yup.. Back.

Long story short..

1. Left Job due to T3 Voice group being lame with no openings for over a year and nobody wanted to hire a JR Voice guy outside my current place.
2. Lost time on voice and knowledge.
3. Quit Job..
4. Hired to do RS+Security, which sec was crash course for me but hey.. I know my ASA's now.
5. Quit job cuz I hated my working conditions.
6. Got lucky and have been given a chance to do some real voice work with a major Cisco gold partner.
7. Fired up the good old voice lab and been going at it for the last week. Damn did i forget a lot, but it all sure came back way faster than I thought.
8. Alive on the forums again.
9...these 8961 phones running sip can be a pain to figure out at first.. but are damn nice.
10. FCUK i missed Voice.. truely my passion and i Never really gave up on it.. always kept looking for that opportunity.

Advice.. dont ever give up on your dreams. Looking forward to the rest of my career.



  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Congrats on the job...and welcome back to the dark side! :)
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • DexterParkDexterPark Member Posts: 121
    I understand how you feel. I felt like I was constantly up against a wall in my career before I got into Voice. I was stuck at the helpdesk for a truly dreadful company making 35K annually with no room for advancement before I found my career and passion in voice. Now I have more than doubled my salary and have an opportunity to gain more experience, and live the life I always wanted. My dreams are quickly turning into my reality. Never give up indeed!
    My advice to anyone looking to advance their career would be to learn DevOps tools and methodologies. Learn how to write code in languages like Python and JavaScript. Not to be a programmer, but a network automation specialist who can do the job of 10 engineers in 1/3 of the time. Create a GitHub account, download PyCharm, play with Ansible, Chef, or Puppet. Automation isn't the future, it's here today and the landscape is changing dramatically.
  • YuckTheFankeesYuckTheFankees Member Posts: 1,281 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I'm glad you're back to a position you enjoy, that's a major factor to living a happy life.
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