
Smokeing and Studying

travisl1211travisl1211 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
My question, if anyone in here does the same or could elaborate on this topic, is if I smoke weed on the weekends only, (I know that smokeing is bad for, and this may be a stupid question, so all negative thoughts please keep them to yourself and just ignore this post) but for the people who do smoke weed,and pass?)


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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
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    NoodsNoods Member Posts: 168
    Best bet is to stop smoking it until you have passed the test altogether.
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    garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    My question, if anyone in here does the same or could elaborate on this topic, is if I smoke weed on the weekends only, (I know that smokeing is bad for, and this may be a stupid question, so all negative thoughts please keep them to yourself and just ignore this post) but for the people who do smoke weed, would I forget like everything that I studied for the previous week. I am studying for my A+,MCSE,CCNA exam and if I smoke weed on the weekend would that handicap me for the test. Or, should I just stop smokeing until I pass all the exams. I am a Junior IT support specialist at my job and to increase my pay I have to pass these test. So, I guest my question is by me smokeing will that make me forget material for the test, (Did any body smoke while studing for the exam and pass?)

    HA! Smoking, not SMOKEING. I heard it impairs your ability to spell simple words like smoking. But that could be simple symptoms of borderline retardation, other than you being retarded; weed generally shouldn’t have any effects on the general public (normal people). icon_thumright.gif
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    CherperCherper Member Posts: 140 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think your biggest pitfall could be getting cheeto stains on your books and not being able to read them. But hey they're your braincells, destroy as you wish. drunken_smilie.gif
    Studying and Reading:

    Whatever strikes my fancy...
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    squawk1500squawk1500 Member Posts: 51 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Up on hope, down with dope. icon_moneyeyes.gif
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    s0c0s0c0 Member Posts: 76 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Smoking pot while attempting to learn stuff will seriously affect your ability to retain that information. Incase you are stoned right now: Smoking pot while attempting to learn stuff will seriously affect your ability to retain that information.

    Trust me I smoked for years and have now all but quit for my future, except an occassional every few months when I have little to no responsibilities falling on that particular weekend. Pot is for high schoolers. Seriously though stop smoking it (for the most part) and quit all other drugs if you are doing any.

    Drug tests by companies is another big reason, not to mention your health.
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    PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    Cherper wrote:
    I think your biggest pitfall could be getting cheeto stains on your books and not being able to read them. But hey they're your braincells, destroy as you wish. drunken_smilie.gif

    Cheeto stains icon_lol.gif
    s0C0 wrote:
    Drug tests by companies is another big reason, not to mention your health.
    And another good reason

    Not to mention, you will help someone else get that job you want if you don't grow up and stop smoking...so, sure keep smoking icon_rolleyes.gif
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
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    RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Considering a large proportion of positions that require certification in the security field also require drug testing all I can say is ... keep on smoking dood - leaves more positions for the rest of us icon_wink.gif
    FIM website of the year 2007
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    travisl1211travisl1211 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    For those people who replied to this post and gave good logical answers, I appreciate the feedback, and I understand that most of you are looking for a job that I already have, but for you all that wrote that negative, stuff Y did you even reply. I make about 45,000 a year with Cert's and I have a computer job, but for those who said something negative can suck a wet booty hole. icon_evil.gif
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    garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    For those people who replied to this post and gave good logical answers, I appreciate the feedback, and I understand that most of you are looking for a job that I already have, but for you all that wrote that negative, stuff Y did you even reply. I make about 45,000 a year with Cert's and I have a computer job, but for those who said something negative can suck a wet booty hole. icon_evil.gif

    I replied, I make ALOT more money than you, I have a Network Engineer job & I think you should beat yourself to death with a hammer. "Somone put this retard out of his misery"
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    TeKniquesTeKniques Member Posts: 1,262 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Personally I think Smoking Pot is ridiculous. We have drug testing where I work, and it's just not worth it. The people I know who smoke pot are lazy and have crappy jobs that I wouldn't trust them to wash my car.
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    mikey_bmikey_b Member Posts: 188
    I used to smoke pot back in the day up until about 8 years ago, then I came out of college, and realised I had to get out of that phase to succeed. I breezed through college because I knew all the material already, but then realized that it was affecting my ability to learn and interact with others. So I stopped and have never regretted it. Everything seems so much more fun when I'm sober, instead of the glazed-over feeling of sedation.

    But the man who tries to take my weekend beers away will be a very, very dead man! icon_twisted.gif
    Mikey B.

    Current: A+, N+, CST, CNST, MCSA 2003
    WIP: MCSE 2003
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    johnnynodoughjohnnynodough Member Posts: 634
    This has to be the stupidest topic I have ever seen on any board. Seriously, you have to be pulling our legs, I cant believe someone would actually ask a question like that. Then again, if you are stoned, I guess I can see why.
    Go Hawks - 7 and 2

    2 games againts San Fran coming up, oh yeah baby, why even play? just put then in the win category and call it good :p
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    BaredorBaredor Member Posts: 99
    I stayed out of this as long as I could stand it.
    I make about 45,000 a year with Cert's and I have a computer job

    If that's true, it's one of the saddest and enfuriating reflections of society that I have ever seen. There are people out there who are attempting to apply themselves to their absolute fullest, yet still have a great struggle finding work. Frankly, this is nauseating.
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    Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    Ahh, yes, Pot. I remember those days...no wait, I don't remember those days, hence the problem. I couldn't imagine trying to study while high, or too drunk.....This stuff is confusing enough to begin with....
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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    s0c0s0c0 Member Posts: 76 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Remeber the good ol' boy network is alive and well today. I had a friend with virtually no computer knowledge let alone networking knowledge get a job as a network admin (huge stoner). I (less of stoner at the time) was later hired on after him. At the time I had been attending school for a year. When I started the place was in choas. Power & network cables were everywhere, the computers hadn't been disk cleaned or defragged in at least a year, the server room looked like a computer graveyard, there was no IT policy in place, and he had virtually no knowledge of the Windows 2000 Server beyond adding a user to the AD, which of course you could train a monkey to do.

    How did he get this job? Good ol' boy network. Why was I hired? To get him out of a bind.

    Anyways just because this guy is kind of a dick, doesn't mean he lacks intelligence (though this post is moronic). He could very well be high knowledgeable in this field.
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    AlienAlien Member Posts: 398
    Where is civilasation heading to. Even if we hold different opinions from others, we should atleast try to respect them. It's a time when the society is coming to terms with respect for other peoples rights. If GAYS are turning over the tables, why can't the so called weeders be given the same. I'm not championing for drugs since i know the end results but at least we should try and keep the thread positive. As for weed and certs, i would'nt risk it considering that it holds a heavy penalty other than the drug test required by companies besides it sounds unprofessional to me. Beer ? HELL YEAH! ,after work ofcourse.

    travisl1211 wrote,
    I make about 45,000 a year with Cert's and I have a computer job, but for those who said something negative can suck a wet booty hole.

    That's baffling icon_eek.gif
    Hard times on planet earth.
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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Some people handle it differently. I've got a friend who does it nearly every day, yet manages to hold a steady job as a programmer while finishing up a bachelors in Computer Science. It's something you'll have to judge for yourself.

    I'm not advocating it, I'm only replying to your question.
    I shouldn't need to remind you of the other problems it can cause.
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    strauchrstrauchr Member Posts: 528 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Do ignore inexperienced people on this forum who think life should be lived as we see on those lovely American sitcoms.

    I shall quote Bill hicks to those who are against drugs

    "See I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don't think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all of your records,tapes and all your CD's and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal f**king high on drugs, man. "

    Anyway enough about the debate about that. For some usefull info. I never have a hard weekend before the week my exam will be. This has worked well for me so far. By the way that includes that lovely sociallly acceptable anti-social drug called alcohol that most of us love and enjoy.

    And never during the weekdays, especially if your studying and also when you have to manage, support and administer critical business servers. Don't want to do that with a hang over.
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    EverythingPCownerEverythingPCowner Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I put on some old rock...smoke...then read and read and read.........comming off adderall isnt easy..and thats the perfect medicine.....im sure someone else knows what i mean. I dont think what you do on your own should have any effect on what kind of person you are as long as you can keep a job..pay your bills..etc... when whatever your addiction is starts getting in the way of your life... then i think its a bad thing
    Alabama or Bust!
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    MetroTekMetroTek Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    An interesting topic, to say the least.

    I think one would know if they were being affected by the use of any form of narcotic or alchohol.
    I feel also, this could carry over to caffeine.

    No two ppl are created the same, and every one of us reacts differently at different levels to the various substances that we use.
    For example, I myself am a noob... Never done weed, and coffee screws me up when I study... I keep it clean when I'm studying for anything...

    <two cents>
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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I feel also, this could carry over to caffeine.

    Blasphemer. icon_wink.gif
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