need quick job search/interview advice

goke313goke313 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Had a phone interview on Thursday (they asked about my school projects + interest + goals)...the recruiter said he'll get back to me through e-mail

But received a call today(missed the call b/c of work)...Called back and left a voicemail

On Monday I have work from 8am to 4pm(and can't use my phone)

So I can potentially lose out on a career-job b/c of a minimum-wage work study job.


  • AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    I wouldn't worry about it, it's fairly common practice to play phone tag during these things and employers/recruiters understand this.

    Next time try to schedule something. Ask them to call you during your lunch hour or a scheduled break.
  • cyberguyprcyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
    +1 on what Akaricloud said. If they get difficult and start complaining that you weren't available don't hesitate on politely letting them know you are no longer interested. It is a two way street and a potential employer who doesn't recognize that doesn't deserve your attention.

    Welcome to TE!
  • itguy7itguy7 Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yeah requiters, I've found, are very hard to catch by phone. They're constantly calling others and out of the office doing other things. You'll be lucky to catch them so don't let it get to you if you play phone tag.
  • goke313goke313 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    cyberguypr wrote: »
    +1 on what Akaricloud said. If they get difficult and start complaining that you weren't available don't hesitate on politely letting them know you are no longer interested. It is a two way street and a potential employer who doesn't recognize that doesn't deserve your attention.

    Welcome to TE!

    thanks for the quick response guys. I just spoke to the recruiter, he mentioned since I don't have enough experience I am no longer considered for the position. We'll still keep in touch for a position that fits my experience and skills.
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