Critique my resume, please. "Technical Support Analyst"

XiaoTechXiaoTech Member Posts: 113 ■■■□□□□□□□
Well, I have six months of exp, some server experience with my job (albiet just add/removing users on the BES or Mobile Device Management's server app---not active directory), and looking to expand. There's one particular company I'm trying to get a job with that's international and has an office in Japan, as well as several throughout the world. I know my summary is probably lacking, and I'm not sure if I even need my job in Korea on there. But the type of company that would hire me would value those skills, I believe, since I do want to be in an international setting.

Anyways, here it is:

Xiao Tech

Third Post Down has my edited resume. Uploading it to make it less searchable.


  • MstavridisMstavridis Member Posts: 107
    you need to put your education at the but after qualifications, and below that have certs. Also take away the skills, and just put them in your qualifications. Also include any IT projects you have worked on, and volunteer work.
  • QordQord Member Posts: 632 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Keep the Korea job on there. That shows them that you've had an overseas position before, and you probably "know the ropes". There's actually a lot that goes into selecting a person for an overseas assignment, and seeing that you've already done it could make you more marketable if the position includes that possibility.
  • XiaoTechXiaoTech Member Posts: 113 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So, I think this is a little different from than what Mstavridis suggested. What do you mean but qualifications? I've never worked on any special projects. I take calls, setup and troubleshoot user's email, RDP into servers as needed, and activate phones. There's nothing I've done that's project based at my work, and I haven't done any volunteer work.

    I'll keep Korea on there. It's good work experience. And studying in Japan for one year should help too. I think I found the right company...I just need to show I am the right fit (which I believe I am from the research I've done).

    FakeResume (1).doc
  • ciscoman2012ciscoman2012 Member Posts: 313
    Honestly I don't have any problem with the content it looks great.

    The formatting / visual appeal on the other hand leaves much to be desired. I would look at a few templates out there on the interwebs and model your resume as such (keeping your current content).
  • cyberguyprcyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 Mod
    - +1 on format. Work on that first.
    - Professional Summary is redacted as an objective. There are three things a well-written summary should address: (1) your experiences and skills as they relate to your job; (2) what you can bring to the organization and the open position that no other candidate can; and (3) your professional goals.
    - BlackBerry: with 2 capital Bs. You put one right and one wrong
    - PowerPoint has two capital Ps
    - What is "Japanense"?

    Overall the resume scream lack of attention to detail. Do your research, spend some time on it and come back with an updated version.
  • XiaoTechXiaoTech Member Posts: 113 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the suggestion. Did some major revisions, and changed it from summary to objective.
  • XiaoTechXiaoTech Member Posts: 113 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Just a little update...the job I was making this resume for...I got the interview. Partly because I fit 90% of the qualifications (minus any Microsoft certs, the job requires me to get MCITP:EA in the future). And partly because probably I know a project manager that works there. Hopefully with some preparation and a little luck, I'll get the job. :)
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