Advice needed from people working in US/Australia

SuperpizzaSuperpizza Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi everyone.
As this post' subject suggests, I need a bit of advice from professionals holding an IT/Security job in US or Australia.
I live and work in Italy, and I am planning a move to United States or Australia at the end of this year or in first half of next one.
Didn't look for a job in a serious way yet, and before doing that, I'd like to complete my CV, if needed.
I'm looking for a position in a Security management role, whilst keeping strong ties to "real" security administration.
I'm not familiar with US/Australian job market internals and I've got no experience in market drivers, movers or trends there.
All that said, I'd be delighted to receive your opinions, comments or advices.

A short resume about me:
- currently holding a CISO position in a medium-sized direct bank (no physical branches)
- 15+ years experience in IT (system administration, system infrastructure planning, architecture design and implementation, and the like)
- 10+ years experience in Security (system security, antifraud software design/implementation/management, incident response, playing expert witness role in criminal/civil Courts, etc etc)
- 10+ years people management experience (team leading, personnel recruiting)
- Strong technical background
- CISM/CISSP certified

Could you please suggest me further certifications, courses path or whatever experience I could get in the meantime (6/12 months time).
Your help is really appreciated.



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