
IDS Analyst Salaries?

CjmarkCjmark Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi all. I have a job offer as an IDS analyst subcontractor for the federal government and before I accept or decline this offer I'd like to hear from some of you on your experience with the salary range for this position. The position is in Washington, DC and a junior level. The position requires a top secret clearance which tends to mean higher pay. I am already cleared, so the employer will not have to pay for this. I'm having trouble finding information about the salary range for this job online. From what I've seen it can range from 65-105k. I've been told by a few people that 65k is the very least I should accept for this position.

I was offered in the low 50s with average benefits and I'm thinking this is a major lowball, but I'd like for someone else to confirm that. The cost of living and commuting here are very high and 50k is barely enough to live on and employers know this.

Any input is appreciated.


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    docricedocrice Member Posts: 1,706 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I live on the other side of the country (in the Silicon Valley) but assuming the pay rate is about the same, I'd say low 50s is way under. Like really, really under. Unless this is low-level SOC work where you just look for something buzzing on the screen and just escalating it, if you're doing any actual analysis work (examining packet traces, payloads, target contextual information, correlation with logging, etc.), then I'd expect 6 figures, especially with your clearance. I work in the private sector, but that's my first reaction.
    Hopefully-useful stuff I've written: http://kimiushida.com/bitsandpieces/articles/
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    jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Jr. positions seem to go for around $55k in DC

    Jr. IDS Analyst Right On Hire - Arlington - Virginia - United States

    If you cannot live on that money then it pretty much answers the questions on what to do. If you could, then you probably have to decide if it is worth taking the experience and resume entry with you and work there for a year whilst trying to find a better job.

    Working there as JR might give you options later to find better paid senior positions - gotta start somewhere ..

    Mind you - I know nothing about cost of living there so that is just my £0.02 based on not much :)
    My own knowledge base made public: http://open902.com :p
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