
PMP / CAPM Certifications - Need to know best place to do this certification

priyank8276priyank8276 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi There,

I have recently moved into PM domain after my 3 years of career and for last 1.5 years I am into Project Mgt associate level. I worked for projects in US and UK and my last experience was in UK for 10 months I wish to work in UK in future but for that I know I should be Prince 2 certified. But because of my company I am back to India for other projects and have been on Bench for last 3 weeks. During this bench time I wish to do PMP or CAPM Certification but cannot understand which one is better place to do this certification from. I need help in finding best institute to give certifications for 23 PDU's as I will be eligible for CAPM and I am in central Delhi so if you have any pointers please share that with me.

I can share my cv with you if you need more detailed info of my roles.

Best Regards,
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