
Would this be a downgrade ?

higherhohigherho Member Posts: 882
Hello Techexams!

I need some advice / input. At this moment in time I'm a Systems administrator ( 27 Windows servers , Cisco backend (switches, vpn, firewall), security software, SANS, backup, project design / scope) supporting software developers on the application they are building. Deep down I love Networking / VOIP and I'm a quick learner. I'm in a position were I can choose from three different roles and one of them is a telecomm specialist position. In this position I will be doing VOIP / PBX support and gathering the technical requirements to bring up sites (in terms of Phones) and I would also be doing the basic user end support / phone cable runs. The position is mid level (so is the pay and much more than what I'm currently making). I also feel that it would go up a path that I would really enjoy (Networking / VOIP / PBX) . During this position I will be able to obtain a masters and certs which the company will pay for it.

I feel inside it's a good move, it's been a little while (two years) since I deployed phones (I performed a lot of cable tasks in the past, phone deployment, and cisco call manager installation) and I'm confident about it. The hiring manager and technical lady like me a lot. I also think it will be better than where I'm currently at where the company wont pay for certs, no education assistance, no raises on promotions, and very small yearly raises.

I just dont want to make a stupid move, I feel that this new position would offer more project design / scope work and get me into the VOIP / Networking side of the fence more than me staying in a Server role.



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