is there a way to recover an image on a nm-cue

I tried to upgrade an image on a nm-cue as it seemed corrupted i followed the step and end result was unsuccessful so now when it boots this is what i get:

BIOS Version: SM 02.00
BIOS Build date: 09/17/02
System Now Booting ...

Booting from disk..., please wait.

*Jul 2 19:58:56.259: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Service-Engine1/0, changed state to up
Embedded BIOS Debugger Invalid Opcode Trap
EAX = FFF00003 CS:EIP = 0000:00007DC5 EFL = 00000217 pl nz .. AC .. PE .. CY
EBX = 756E7C00 SS:ESP = 0000:00001FEE EBP = 00001FDA .. nt IOPL0 nv up EI ..
ECX = 00000002 DS:ESI = 9F40:00035554 FS = 1AC4 .. .. id vp vi al vm rf
EDX = 0000ED80 ES:EDI = 0000:0000523F GS = 0000
0000:00007DC5 dw 3FFFh / (16383).


Anyone has experience recovering from this. I can't find any documentation on it.


  • azaghulazaghul Member Posts: 569 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Its been a while, but I ran into something similar with my CUE module.

    Bought from eBay....with the HDD wiped. I had to use the alternate method to reinstall it, via the CUE boot-loader. Similar to doing a router rommon IOS install.

    Cisco Unity Express Installation and Upgrade Guide  [Cisco Unity Express] - Cisco Systems

    Hope this helps...
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thats exactly the original issue i had. I think i messed up in the static route to the service module for the tftp. Hence why when i tried to do the software recovery via cue bootloader it crashed went to the prompt i am now.


    EB43DBG: ?
    REBOOT - cold boot the target
    CONSOLE [CON|COMn] - set debug console
    MASK x - set debug mask for EDOSROM
    WCOMx byte [n] - write byte to COMx n times
    MODE n - set video mode
    D[b|w|d] [addr] - **** memory (bytes/words/dwords)
    R[16|32] [reg value] - display registers
    I[w|d] port - input from 8/16/32-bit I/O port
    O[w|d] port val - output to 8/16/32-bit I/O port
    U[16|32] [addr] - unassemble code
    E addr byte [...] - enter bytes
    V vector# - display interrupt vector table pointer
    T - trace next instruction
    +|- - inc/dec IP
    G - go (resume execution)
    BP addr - set breakpoint
    BC bkpt# - clear breakpoint
    BL - list breakpoints
    SO x - route EDOSROM output to COMx
    EA20|DA20 - enable/disable A20 line
    ECACHE|DCACHE - enable/disable cache
    TORAM - run BIOS from RAM
    TOROM - run BIOS from ROM
    WP [addr] - set/clear watchpoint
    RC index - read CMOS RAM data
    WC index byte ... - write CMOS RAM data
    RFL phys: phys len - read nwords words from Flash
    WFL phys: phys xxxx ... - write words to Flash
    EFL phys: phys - erase Flash block
    LFL phys: phys - lock Flash block
    SFL phys: phys wdcnt value - set Flash words to value
    UFL phys: phys wdcnt addr - update Flash from buffer
    CSR index - read data from chipset
    CSW index data - write data to chipset
    SIOR index - read data from SIO chip
    SIOW index data - write data to SIO chip
    PCIR[BWD] idx [func dev bus] - read data from PCI device
    PCIW[BWD] idx val [func dev bus]- write data to PCI device
    PCID - **** PCI enumeration
    RD|WD unit sec hd trk addr - read/write disk sector to/from buffer
    BIOSDATA - display BIOS data area
    ?|HELP - show this help

    Dont see any useful options when i type ? Idk.. running out of ideas.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    i was given another hard drive to install and now i'm getting an error:

    after a while of running it booted but now i have this message

    Initializing memory. Please wait.
    *Jul 11 17:00:35.171: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Service-Engine1/0, changed state to down 256 MB SDRAM detected
    BIOS Version: SM 02.00
    BIOS Build date: 09/17/02
    System Now Booting ...

    Booting from disk..., please wait.

    Invalid partition table

    Then it just hangs and tries to reset and reboot itself.

    I heard I can ghost a hard drive from a working nm-cue and copy it over the new one. Not sure how though.

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