No Audio on Phones

jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I don't know where I went wrong and a friend of mine can't figure it out either.

If I was to make a phone call the Cisco Phone have nothing on the speaker side of the phone. But when I call internally it's fine.



  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    That's not a whole lot of information?

    You make a call using the cisco phone but nothing on the speaker? OK?? Are you not getting ring back? are you connected to another IP Phone and they can hear you but not vice versa? We'll need more information

    What does your config look like, what model phone? what version are you running? all that good stuff, and a call example

    any debugs??

    are the phones registered?

    show ephone is your friend
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yes the phone does ring, when I call from my cell phone to a Cisco Phone The Cisco phone can not hear me talking on my cell but when I talk on the Cisco my cell will hear me. Its not my headset because again from Cisco to Cisco phone it works fine.

    Here is my SHOW EPHONE
    ephone-1 Mac:0012.DADB.E063 TCP socket:[3] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 9 and Server in ver 8
    mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:8
    IP: 51907 Telecaster 7940 keepalive 95 max_line 2
    button 1: dn 10 number 1000 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE shared

    ephone-2 Mac:000D.BC91.0405 TCP socket:[2] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 7 and Server in ver 7
    mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:6
    IP: 3607 7912 keepalive 94 max_line 2 dual-line
    button 1: dn 11 number 1001 CH1 IDLE

    ephone-3 Mac:0016.E61D.5F1B TCP socket:[-1] activeLine:0 DECEASED
    mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:10
    IP: 50533 CIPC keepalive 41 max_line 8
    button 1: dn 10 number 1000 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE shared

    ephone-4 Mac:0015.638A.C7AC TCP socket:[1] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 8 and Server in ver 8
    mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:7
    IP: 3765 7912 keepalive 94 max_line 2 dual-line
    button 1: dn 10 number 1000 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE shared

    ephone-5 Mac:F0DE.F1C2.DEE9 TCP socket:[4] activeLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 15 and Server in ver 8
    mediaActive:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:10
    IP: 61167 CIPC keepalive 93 max_line 8
    button 1: dn 14 number 1004 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    jwb8734 wrote: »
    Yes the phone does ring, when I call from my cell phone to a Cisco Phone The Cisco phone can not hear me talking on my cell but when I talk on the Cisco my cell will hear me. Its not my headset because again from Cisco to Cisco phone it works fine.

    Ok, you have multiple ephones, do they all experience the same issues Off-net? how about on-net calling, sccp to sccp?

    One way audio is indicative of either a routing problem, codec mis match, possibly SIP signalling if your using a SIP Trunk - please provide more information -

    How is your stuff configured? SCCP to ?? what is your pstn portion? pri? sip? Is it on off-net origination only? or do you experience the same problem calling from the sccp phone?
    georgemc wrote: »
    I don't have the exact command in front of me, but check the bindings in your gateway. MGCP media?

    I've definitely had the same problem before (running a much older CCM though).

    I'll look it up and post it when I have access to my notes in a little while.

    He's running CME which doesnt make use of mgcp control
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I first want to say thanks to everyone for your help.

    It have a 3745 with 1 FXO and 1 FXS.

    My router is configed to user the FXS. 2-Way communication works from all extension Cisco to Cisco phone. My phones are not set up to call out yet.

    But FXS to Cisco Phones only have 1 way communication.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    wow guess nobody responded to this.. how are you doing? if you need further assistance let me know.

    a show run would be helpful in troubleshooting
  • shodownshodown Member Posts: 2,271
    Post a show run
    Currently Reading

    CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    version 12.4
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    boot system flash slot0:/c3745-advipservicesk9-mz124-15.bin
    boot system flash slot0:/c3745-js-mz.123-13b.bin
    logging buffered 51200 warnings
    enable secret 5 $1$41
    enable password $$$$$
    no aaa new-model
    no ip routing
    no ip cef
    ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
    ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    username $$$$ privilege 15 password 0 $$$$$$
    log config
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    speed auto
    no mop enabled
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http path flash:/gui
    dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
    tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CampusNight.png
    tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.html
    tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.js
    tftp-server flash:gui/CiscoLogo.gif
    tftp-server flash:gui/Delete.gif
    tftp-server flash:gui/ephone_admin.html
    tftp-server flash:ringtones/DistinctiveRingList.xml
    tftp-server flash:ringtones/Analog1.raw
    tftp-server flash:ringtones/Ring3.raw
    voice-port 1/0/0
    voice-port 1/0/1
    voice-port 1/1/0
    connection plar 1000
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 1/1/1
    connection plar 1000
    caller-id enable
    dial-peer voice 1000 pots
    destination-pattern 1[2-9].........
    port 1/1/0
    no register e164
    dial-peer voice 1001 pots
    destination-pattern [2-9]11
    port 1/1/0
    no register e164
    max-ephones 42
    max-dn 144
    ip source-address port 2000
    auto assign 100 to 144
    url services
    time-zone 12
    max-conferences 8 gain -6
    web admin system name Admin secret 5 $1$aJKU$
    transfer-system full-consult
    secondary-dialtone 9
    create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
    ephone-dn 10 dual-line
    number 1000 no-reg primary
    label 1000
    description 7940
    name 1000
    ephone-dn 11
    number 1001
    label 1001
    description 7912-A
    name 1001
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn 12
    number 1002
    label 1002
    description 7912-B
    name 1002
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn 13 dual-line
    number 1003
    label 1003
    description SoftPhone-1
    name 1003 - Soft Phone
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone-dn 14 dual-line
    number 1004
    label 1004
    description SoftPhone-2
    name 1004 - Soft Phone
    hold-alert 30 originator
    ephone 1
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0012.DADB.E063
    type 7940
    button 1:10
    ephone 2
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 000D.BC91.0405
    type 7912
    button 1:11
    ephone 3
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0016.E61D.5F1B
    type 7912
    button 1:10
    ephone 4
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address 0015.638A.C7AC
    type CIPC
    button 1:10
    ephone 5
    device-security-mode none
    mac-address F0DE.F1C2.DEE9
    type CIPC
    button 1:14
    line con 0
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    privilege level 15
    password $$$$$
    login local
    transport input telnet
    Here is show run
    Passwords have been replaced.
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I had posted my running config but it was held up due to the link that was in the Config File.
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Well I have been playing with this more and still no audio.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    show ip route

    I also dont see in your show run any voip services setup? what is your PSTN link? I see 1/1/0 and 1/1/1 but they're FXO it looks like because of your connection plar 1000

    show voice port summary
    show ip route
    show ip int br
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Router#show voice port summary
    IN OUT
    ============== == ============ ===== ==== ======== ======== ==
    1/0/0 -- fxs-ls up dorm on-hook idle y
    1/0/1 -- fxs-ls up dorm on-hook idle y
    1/1/0 -- fxo-ls up dorm idle on-hook y
    1/1/1 -- fxo-ls up dorm idle on-hook y
    50/0/10 1 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/10 2 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/11 1 efxs up dorm on-hook idle y
    50/0/12 1 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/13 1 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/13 2 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/14 1 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    50/0/14 2 efxs up up on-hook idle y
    ================= ==================

    show ip route
    Default gateway is not set
    Host Gateway Last Use Total Uses Interface
    ICMP redirect cache is empty

    Router#show ip int br
    Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
    FastEthernet0/0 YES NVRAM up up
    FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES NVRAM administratively down down
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    So my system is set up like this.

    WRT54GL---C3524---C3745 (CME)

    I have 1 FXS and 1 FXO card as seen.
    WRT54GL is my gateway and DHCP. IT does have DD-WRT in it so I can make some changes but never really played with it. I only used it to make changes to the WIFI signal.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    Ok so you have SCCP end points registering to the CME at

    How do you complete calls inbound from your cell phone?? What service are you using to connect the PSTN to the CME

    so this is all layer 2 so I'm assuming the phones are assigned as it's gateway..

    Possibly NAT on the WRT - I'd put the CME in the DMZ - I'd do a debug too

    I see no dial-peers or voice services.. as well
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    drkat wrote: »
    How do you complete calls inbound from your cell phone?? What service are you using to connect the PSTN to the CME
    I am using POTS via my ISP Voice Modem.

    I DMZ the CME Router.

    If I have no dial-peers what should I set them to.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    Oh it was just a observation..

    Ok I get it.. so you have your modem going into the CME for inbound calls..

    OK... you're gonna want to check your codecs then and run some debugs.

    I'm confused honestly... I'm trying to look at your config but ..

    incoming calls

    voice-port 1/1/0
    connection plar 1000
    caller-id enable
    voice-port 1/1/1
    connection plar 1000
    caller-id enable

    do a debug ccapi inout and check your dialpeer matching.. it looks like you're going to be using dial-peer 0 which is the default dial-peer

    you may have codec mismatch causing the one way audio
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    What my plan is to do is each phone has it's own extension but when I get a call it rings to all phones. I think we copied the command you have above to test out the port to make sure it was not defective.

    II enabled DEBUG CDAPI. I wil do some testing tomorrow.
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Here is the debug cdapi

    *Jul 15 18:19:06.810: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Attempt to free NULL pointer
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66C26000, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 4
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66932B00, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:06.818: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 3
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.106: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.106: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66939218, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.106: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 2
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x6600D2E4, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 1
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x682A48BC, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 18:19:44.110: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 0
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.206: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Attempt to free NULL pointer
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66932B00, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 4
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66939218, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:17:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 3
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66C26000, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.210: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 2
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x683051C4, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 1
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x682A48BC, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 20:19:47.214: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 0
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.094: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Attempt to free NULL pointer
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66932B00, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 4
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66939218, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:09.102: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 3
    *Jul 15 21:15:20.566: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:20.566: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x66C26000, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:20.566: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 2
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x6600D030, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 1
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg_buf(): Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Raw Msg = 0x682A48BC, Type = SMALL
    *Jul 15 21:15:26.502: CDAPI: cdapi_free_raw_msg(): Freed dynamic raw buffer, Type = SMALL, dynamic count: 0
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    CCAPI not cdapi

    debug ccapi inout
    debug dial-peer

    I dont see any voip dial-peers -- i'm assuming you're hitting dial-peer 0 and well... thats your problem

    If you want, we can webex and I can go over the config live and do live traces and explain it - this voice stuff can be a bit complicated when you're trying to do it all alone
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    drkat wrote: »
    debug ccapi inout

    Router#debug ccapi inout
    % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    ... sorry debug voip ccapi inout
  • jwb8734jwb8734 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I just enabled the command. I will do some testing in the AM. But just one dest shows expansive logs after almost 5 rings.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    well you can put it in terminal monitor
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