70-640 - Second time around...

xkaijinxxkaijinx Member Posts: 90 ■■□□□□□□□□
Looking to retake the 70-640 exam - I took it about 4-5 months ago, and than became pretty busy when my new semester started. I am looking to use the below materials for study, please let me know if you have any tips/links/advice.

Studying with ExamCram
Labbing with MS Press
On the areas that I scored low on last exam, watching CBT Nuggets videos on those specific areas.
Practice Tests using: ExamCram, MSPress, and Transcender. I am going to purchase the 1 month option that they offer.

I am looking to study with the above tools for the duration of this month and try to sit for the exam on 8/31 or so.



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