Network Academy Done, One Semester to Go

itgl72itgl72 Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
Well, I've finished at the local college where I took part in the Cisco Network Academy. Went through CCNA1 through CCNA4. Although I had A+ and Net+ before I took this class, I see how deep the world of CISCO is. The good news is I've learned a lot and want the CCNA certification, the bad news is I still have one more semester before I finish this associate degree program I'm in. This December will hopefully bring a great Christmas because I'll have this going back to college endeavor behind me. But I won't be able to go full time into studying for CISCO certs until I'm done with the semester. I just don't have enough bandwidth between the ears to hammer through the 3 classes (Windows Server & Infrastructure, and College Algebra) I'll be taking, and study hard enough to take the ICND1 during that time. I'm 40, with two kids, and life is busy outside of schooling. SO, my plan is to poke in on my CISCO studies maybe once a week at the minimum and just hit some points there to keep it in my head somewhat. Really wish I could do a good month of cramming right now to get ready for that cert but I know I'll do better if I can concentrate solely on CISCO when I get ready.


  • FloOzFloOz Member Posts: 1,614 ■■■■□□□□□□
    goodluck! push through it!
  • inscom.brigadeinscom.brigade Member Posts: 400 ■■■□□□□□□□
    WoW nice!

    Word of caution: you are obviously familiar with the comptia and Microsoft exams. Meaning that pretty much once you know the stuff, you could go and pass an exam by just eliminating the two stupid answer’s and then your best choiceis probably going to be correct.
    Cisco is as you know from netacad a different game. You have just taken cisco exams weekly for 3 semesters and have one to go. You are in key position to just go pass the CCNA composite exam; don’t let that slip away!
  • NetworkVeteranNetworkVeteran Member Posts: 2,338 ■■■■■■■■□□
    You have just taken cisco exams weekly for 3 semesters and have one to go. You are in key position to just go pass the CCNA composite exam; don’t let that slip away!

    In case any clarification was needed, no certification "but I went to Cisco Net Academy" on a resume is less impressive than someone who read a CCENT book and passed the exam two weeks later. I've seen people wind up in that boat after taking "a break", kinda like that break before college! The net result of all those classes will be your ability or inability to become certified. Best of luck to you and your family on your upcoming classes and exams.
  • lantechlantech Member Posts: 329
    Don't make the same mistake I did and let to much time pass by. I took the classes and ended up waiting a couple of years before I started working on the certification. It has made it more difficult to pass the exams because the knowledge isn't fresh in my head like it was right after I finished classes. It might be difficult to find the time but do try and find it and take the exams as soon as you can.

    Being certified is much better than just saying you've taken the classes and have no certification.
    2012 Certification Goals

    CCENT: 04/16/2012
  • QordQord Member Posts: 632 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I really think you should go for it now while the material is still fresh. I also went through the Academy, but took my CCNA exam just before the 4th semester finished. I know me very well, and I know that if I hadn't taken that test when I did, I never would have taken it. I thought about waiting until I felt I had ample time to study, but I know that time never would have come. Your experience may differ.
  • IllumanatiIllumanati Banned Posts: 211 ■□□□□□□□□□
    itgl72 wrote: »
    Well, I've finished at the local college where I took part in the Cisco Network Academy. Went through CCNA1 through CCNA4. Although I had A+ and Net+ before I took this class, I see how deep the world of CISCO is. The good news is I've learned a lot and want the CCNA certification, the bad news is I still have one more semester before I finish this associate degree program I'm in. This December will hopefully bring a great Christmas because I'll have this going back to college endeavor behind me. But I won't be able to go full time into studying for CISCO certs until I'm done with the semester. I just don't have enough bandwidth between the ears to hammer through the 3 classes (Windows Server & Infrastructure, and College Algebra) I'll be taking, and study hard enough to take the ICND1 during that time. I'm 40, with two kids, and life is busy outside of schooling. SO, my plan is to poke in on my CISCO studies maybe once a week at the minimum and just hit some points there to keep it in my head somewhat. Really wish I could do a good month of cramming right now to get ready for that cert but I know I'll do better if I can concentrate solely on CISCO when I get ready.

    Rethink your strategy. If you wait, those concepts you gleaned from the academy especially the subnetting, will only blur, dim and become less clear as time marches on. It is mostly terminology and concepts and considerably less hands on then ICND2. I say hit ICND1 and try to smash on it. All it is is subnetting, concepts(which you got from the multitude of chapter quizzes at the old NetAcad) and a few easy pie labs. You should have gleaned 70-80% from the chapter quizzes in NetAcad. I say try to make a push for ICND1 now because it is very easy and it is fresh in your mind and especially if you just completely Academy. The point? You should be able to study it ALONGSIDE you busy and hectic schedule. Want more reasons: you need to make your NetAcad I-IV count NOW because you just finished them and the best way is to sit for that ICND1 or CCENT. I hear they're practically giving it away so people will latch on to Cisco Networking further.

    Rethink delaying ICND1 after finishing Net Acad because NOW is the ideal time take ICND1 and it is what the ICND1 or CCENT was designed for: Entry level! Take it from me, I finished NetAcad in 2003 and they didn't even have a CCENT or even the old ICND two part when I took it and it is a LOT harder starting over Which is what I had to do in 2012 then doing it when it's fresh for you now!
  • EildorEildor Member Posts: 444
    If you get a decent score on the final you should be entitled to 50% off the CCNA exam.
  • itgl72itgl72 Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    itgl72 wrote: »
    Well, I've finished at the local college where I took part in the Cisco Network Academy. Went through CCNA1 through CCNA4. Although I had A+ and Net+ before I took this class, I see how deep the world of CISCO is. The good news is I've learned a lot and want the CCNA certification, the bad news is I still have one more semester before I finish this associate degree program I'm in. This December will hopefully bring a great Christmas because I'll have this going back to college endeavor behind me. But I won't be able to go full time into studying for CISCO certs until I'm done with the semester. I just don't have enough bandwidth between the ears to hammer through the 3 classes (Windows Server & Infrastructure, and College Algebra) I'll be taking, and study hard enough to take the ICND1 during that time. I'm 40, with two kids, and life is busy outside of schooling. SO, my plan is to poke in on my CISCO studies maybe once a week at the minimum and just hit some points there to keep it in my head somewhat. Really wish I could do a good month of cramming right now to get ready for that cert but I know I'll do better if I can concentrate solely on CISCO when I get ready.

    Well, it's December. I'm done with the associates degree program and am free to chase down that CCNA certification. Sadly, I was unable to work towards any certs during my final semester. Despite the recommendations to work at it while I'm fresh none of this would do me good if I did not pass my final needed class. That was college Algebra, math has always been challenging for me. The first few weeks felt like I had no business sitting in that class. It was all hands on deck for a grueling semester ahead and after some tutoring, investing in a great calculator, and many hours as well as probably 40 #2 pencils I finished with an A. It took every bit of my time and mind. I hated that class, it kept me away from time needed with my kids, a sick grandfather out of town who eventually passed (I did make it in for that in end), and working on certs I needed to try and get back to work in the IT field.

    But that's behind me now, Christmas with family has been good. I've taken the last few weeks since my finals to just be around family with out school issues hanging over me. They've been in town for the holidays, and will leave New Year's Day. I can then make my goal of CCNA my sole goal. With a recharged mind.

    I know it isn't the easiest path, but it was the path I needed to take. I HOPE I DIDN'T FORGET TOO MUCH! I'll start with books and videos and have my 4 devices (2 switches, 2 routers) along with packet tracer and GNS ready to go.

    I hope to be around more in 2013 - happy new year!
  • itgl72itgl72 Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    itgl72 wrote: »
    I HOPE I DIDN'T FORGET TOO MUCH! I'll start with books and videos and have my 4 devices (2 switches, 2 routers) along with packet tracer and GNS ready to go.

    I actually DID forget a lot. But not all of it, and it started to slowly come back to me. I really screwed myself by taking the break after network academy ended. Blast that college algebra I had to take to graduate, and took up the last of my free time. I could have been done with it all by now (CCNA that is). But, I'm 1/2 way there now so take it as life goes, and keep working. Thats what I'll do.
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