
Need some advice

What is the best path to go if i want to learn about servers? At my job we use a lot of HP Proliant so i was considering the HP certification. How does it compare to the Server+? Also, is it a good idea to learn about servers in general before taking the MCITP?


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    matt333matt333 Member Posts: 276 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I say MCITP:SA or EA.. I don't know about server+ but the Microsoft certs seems to hold the most value. I wouldn't waste my time on comptia after you've been working in IT unless its a job requirement IMO
    Studying: Automating Everything, network API's, Python etc.. 
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    sizeonsizeon Member Posts: 321
    Yeah i have CCNA and wanted to get into servers. SO the MCITP:SA teaches me how to build servers?
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    MickQMickQ Member Posts: 628 ■■■■□□□□□□
    The MCITP will teach you how to administrate MS Server operating systems. If you want to learn how to physically build servers, then you'd best look elsewhere.
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    EssendonEssendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I dont think any cert is going to teach you to build servers. There is no such cert, these things are best learned on the job. If your job doesnt let you do such things, buy a G4/G5 from ebay and play with it to your heart's content.
    NSX, NSX, more NSX..

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    matt333matt333 Member Posts: 276 ■■■■□□□□□□
    "building" a server no, but administrating MS servers yes it will. I'm currently making my way through the SA track now. There's some pretty interesting stuff in the exams. Its definitely useful if you want to be an Admin or just want to be more well rounded like me. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
    Studying: Automating Everything, network API's, Python etc.. 
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    kj0kj0 Member Posts: 767
    I'm currently working through the EA track, The first cert you hit is 70-640 (If you plan to do them in order). This will teach you how to set up a new domain/forest from scratch. So a new company that has nothing.

    The CompTIAs (hardware+) are probably going to be the best for any hardware side of things. It's knowledge and not a practical exam. It's the same for the Apple exams as they are theory based but ask questions like "How do you dispose of a eMac properly" for their workplace health and safety - You have describe it in detail as if you were doing it.
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    UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    Server+ will give you some foundation in servers in General. MS certs will teach about the Windows server software.

    If hardware is what you're after, then you don't have a lot of options. If your employer is HP business partner, then they can (and should) send you for hardware hands-on training. I don't know about the quality of HP hardware training, but SUN hardware training is excellent, with real break/fix exams.

    Don't stress it, scenarios will come where you need to do some hardware troubleshooting or hardware upgrade, and you will have to refer to HP documentation anyway, so this is how you learn.

    Server+, MS certs, are good to make you a more well rounded professional (specially when you combine them with real world experience).

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    ajs1976ajs1976 Member Posts: 1,945 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Most server work is in the OS, so MCITP:SA or MCITP:EA.

    If you work in a big data center, hardware info can be very valuable. General hardware would be Server+. After that, you need to look at the vendor site and see what they offer.

    2020 Goals: 0 of 2 courses complete, 0 of 2 exams complete
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    dontstopdontstop Member Posts: 579 ■■■■□□□□□□
    A+ and Server+

    I found that most of my knowledge from being a Computer Repair Technician translated to fixing servers albiet a tad different but still was definitely ahead.

    Another option would be to try and get a job as a support technician for a IBM/HP/etc, what is your end game?
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