
Network+ Newbie

DSEDMDSEDM Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
Good day,

I have just found your website and am very impressed. I can see a lot of work and effort has gone into these pages .... good job to all involved.

I seem to be struggling with this Network+, the A+ seemed fairly easy for me, but the terminology involved with the Network+ is throwing me off big time. I can't seem to remember what does what in each of the OSI layers for example.

Which study guides are you recommending for the Network+ ?

Thanks for the help.


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    StarterStarter Member Posts: 169
    I would recommend Mike Myers AIO 3rd edition which is updated for the new objectives. Also, the technotes from this side are useful.
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    TransatlanticTransatlantic Member Posts: 120
    Technotes here are superb, also I found using a CBT helped me a lot with Net +, I just watched it over and over until things started making sense. I used the sybex book (old objectives) as well, that was pretty good but a little unclear in places.
    "Mistakes have been made, others will be blamed."
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    RZetlinRZetlin Inactive Imported Users Posts: 155
    Starter wrote:
    I would recommend Mike Myers AIO 3rd edition which is updated for the new objectives. Also, the technotes from this side are useful.

    Is the book up to date with the N10-003 objectives?

    I have seen a lot of Network+ on Amazon.com that hasn't updated yet -- reflecting the N10-002 objectives.
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    DSEDMDSEDM Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the feedback.

    I agree the Tech Notes on this site are very good as well as the practice exams.

    The whole site is very well put together and a first rate prep tool.
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    Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    This image should help. It has a bit more than you need to know for Net+, but it's still a good reference.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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    gabilangabilan Member Posts: 74 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I used the technote from this site to may me familiar with the material and also to review before the exam and Exam Cram 2. Remember to make sure you obtain the book for the currents objectives. icon_idea.gif
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    DSEDMDSEDM Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the graphic ... much appreciated.

    Thats is what I will need to do is memorize that list... it is the only way that I will remember.

    The sad part is I know those 7 layers must mean much more than just memorizing ... it just does not want to sink in to this old noggin of mine.

    I will keep at it ... and thanks a lot for all the help.
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    Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    You don't need to memorize the OSI in exacting detail for Net+. Just know the 7 layers, and how they relate to the TCP/IP stack, and what devices are at which layer. The OSI is just a model used to compare other stacks.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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    DSEDMDSEDM Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Ahhh ... that is better.

    Like which layer is IP on ... and which layer IPX is on ... that is what you hafta remember ?

    Many thanks.
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