
School Advice. What would you do.......

Non-Profit TechieNon-Profit Techie Member Posts: 418 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey guys, I have decided to take advantage of the tutition reimbursement program here at work. they could pay up to 100% of the cost. But first i have to decide what to try to get a degree in.

What I would like to ask you is:

What should i try to get a degree in if i am interested managing the IT department here at the Board of Ed/City hall more then just being a tech forever. Dont get me wrong, i love what i do, but i dont think a degree in computer science seems what i need because i dont know how to program and never do it at work. What i do is PC repair and small network task for the entire district (19 schools). What i want to do is set myself up to be a leader when the option opens up. Working for the city has been awesome so far, and i would love to stay, this would only ensure im a valuable asset. PS, our department head makes well over 100k and has insurance for life + pension. I want to set myself up as well as he has.

What i would like to learn about it secutity, novell, cisco phone systems and routers, and the basics that most jobs require like Active directory and Exchange, citrix, ext...It seems like certs are the best to teach me these things, but what do you think i should get a degree in???? are there any degree programs that i might pick up some of those objectives on the way?

Thanks for all your ideas. I would be glad to answer any of your questions if you need more backround in order to help.


  • Options
    NoodsNoods Member Posts: 168
    It depends on the program from school to school. Most colleges have networking degree programs, others just offer certification courses. The best thing to do would probably be to ask the manager what his roles are, and call the college department head and ask his advice.
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