
Will employers care about what my non-IT concentration is on my degree?

Hey guys, I posted a little while back about possibly switching out of my business program. Well I am definitely going to stick with it because I am just way too close to completing it compared to transferring to something else. My degree will be a bachelors in Business Management. I will also have an AS in Information Systems with a concentration in Networking. My current concentration for my BA is Project Management. I figured that is the most IT oriented concentration they had. I can choose to not concentrate at all, or pick a concentration with a lower credit requirement and finish a few months earlier. Do any of you guys think that a Project Management concentration will be very much more helpful than not having it? I think it would probably put me inline for the CAPM and Project+, but I really want to work in networking so I don't know if I would realistically go for those certs. Any ideas? Graduate early or stick around for a few more months and get a Project Management concentration? Whatever I get, I do plan on doing my masters in IT Management.


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